My nails looked like a 2 year old did them. Never would go back
If youre looking for the best place to get your nails or hair done, this is the place to go! Not only is the owner, Jenny Fenwick, the sweetest lady on this planet, but she is amazing with what she does! I, as well as all of her other regulars, are so loyal to her and her services! Some people drive out from places like Fort Worth or Odessa out to her salon. I constantly hear her customers tell her that she must find another person with her talents before she could ever retire. Her salon is the place to go for amazing service for an affordable price. I mean, $30 for a set of acrylics?!! $60 for a whole head transformation plus a free haircut?!! Plus Jenny is such a wise woman with such an amazing humor and outlook on life, you will leave there with a refreshed perception on life! Cannot beat that!
Jenny is great