Very good customer service. Everyone is very helpful. I already bought two cars with their help. They also help with shipping. Хорошая компания. Всем советую.
Easy to set up and work with. 👍
So far, So good!Im quite impressed with the quality of customer service at Go2. The response speed to mails/ enquiries are quite commendable. My first purchase from Auction at Amarillo TX in Sept 2017 through this broker was delivered intact . This vehicle has garnered the interest of friends & colleagues to engage this unseen, yet trusted and diligent broker for new purchases. We have since received additional three units (1 to Lagos & 2 to Abidjan) while others are en-route various destinations and to be delivered soon.Our recent strategy is to pay immediately after purchase to avoid AUCTION LATE FEE, STORAGE FEES and more importantly, avoid credit card excessive charges, while we use WIRE TRANSFER for payments.I hope Go2 will keep it up as I will use this broker, over and over again!
Just started to do business recently with this broker. I have to say I am impressed with the level of professionalism and promptnes. Michelle Andrews is very nice and she goes the extra mile to get things done. Looking forward to many future business transactions. Justin B. Michigan
From the review so far, I believe go2, would be reliable doing business with. I would give a try. However my question is do go2, also provide shipping service?