Location location location, Urban Equity Properties has several properties to choose from mainly in downtown Rockford. Now with their new maintenance system, much more responsive than before. The rent may be higher than what Rockford is but you get more for what you pay for. Plus they are willing to negotiate a bit when you move-in. If you want to live in an up and coming downtown, go UEP in Rockford
Shop around. UEP has demonstrated that it is not a very good value and not very responsive with tenant concerns either.
Holes in the floors, rotting hardwood, broken window, they dont pay the garbage pickup, and we were lied to about being able to move into a fully renovated apartment within 2 months. When we inquired, we were told directly that the empty building they had acquired took precedent, and the apartment we were promised was no longer on the to do list. We moved out before our lease was up (after living 6 months in the apt we were supposed to be in for 2) due to multiple violations of the lease on the landlords part. Never saw our deposit, but whos surprised? Day we moved out, the whole building got a notice that the water was being shut off as it hadnt been paid in months (water bill was the responsibility of the landlord). Also, we called the city about the garbage pickup, as asking the landlord multiple times wasnt doing anything. UEP hadnt paid them in months either, so the 4 garbage cans (already too few between 10 apartments) were always overflowing and stored right next to the path to the parking spaces, of which there are only like 5. Do yourself a favor and find a better place to rent from.
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