The doctors and other “professionals” were undoubtedly deemed unemployable and were probably consistently fired for their incompetence. They call it “recovery” yet seem to thrive on breaking you down psychologically as if this is supposed to magically cure someone from depression/addiction. I am ALL for personal accountability but once that is established, to go on day after day shaming & guilt tripping the individual for their past every 5 minutes does NOT HELP. It will not help that person heal or reform & if anything stops them from wanting you to change at all instead of being sorry makes you wish you would have done worse. Whoever felt these techniques were appropriate treatment options should get jail time for trying to prevent someone from healing & being a constructive member of society. Shaming them for having depression or other mental health problems. I would go as far as to say sadistic evil beings who thrived on punishment whether directly or indirectly, always looking to make themselves feel like a GOD for providing room and board and seeking to destroy what little self esteem you have if you’ve ended up in a place like this. No wonder 98% of the people I met in there could not and were not willing to stay sober. This is more like a glorified prison cell, offering no legitimate treatment programs just creative ways of to punish you like trying to ridicule, humiliate, belittle, & have others in the program be mean or not talk to you as part of their “therapy” Absolutely absurd I don’t know how in gods name I managed to stay here so long without killing myself as their abuse was worse than any abusive relationship I’ve EVER been in. If I’m sober and more mature now it’s no thanks to anything they did & would strongly suggest anyone out their battling addiction stay as far away from this place as possible & find a legitimate treatment facility that uses appropriate proven methods of recovery. The doctors and staff should be arrested for frauds and be heavily screened for mental illness, because they are all way screwier than any of the people I met their who just needed help getting back on the right track. These people are real sociopaths & will degrade you every step of the way especially if they don’t feel like they have very much to profit from ya. They felt extra entitled to abuse because of past mistakes I’ve made in my life, instead of treating the actual problem they looked to punish & manipulate. NOTHING I’ve done in my past justifies anything you people have done to me. A bunch of hypocritical fools with their own motives to “help” & it has nothing to do with genuinely caring about the clients or trying to help. It would be fantastic for them to be locked in a facility together & treating & exploiting EACH OTHER with the same methods they used on us, so they could understand how awful it feels! Few but some staff really did genuinely care & wanted to help, but the sadists probably strongly opposed any “humane treatment”, resulting in staff members constantly quitting or getting fired.
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