I have leased trucks from Salem Leasing Corp both in North Carolina and Texas (Dallas) for ten years and can give them nothing but the highest marks. They are priced competitively, are responsive to their customers and are a great business partner for our company. We deliver to every zip code in the continental US and they stand with us nationwide to assure we meet our customer commitments.Rick PhillipsPresidentSun Delivery, LLCThomasville, NC
Very friendly personnel. Very professional.
Salem NationaLeaseSalem national lease in Dallas. Is private company in the net work of national lease and not to be confused with any other national lease companys. My review is only in regards to Salem national lease in Dallas. As I Im employed their. As a tractor field mechanic in Dallas fortworth metro Plex. My professional opinion after 15 years in diesel industry, in 3 states, use another company. Penske is great. Their are many leasing companys. Also other national lease in their net work. That being said my employment their has me wanting to warn prospective customers and employees, that 27 dollars an hour doesnt always make for a good job. And now Im quitting. The Dallas Shop is a mess. But I was on a service truck. Completely inadequate for the job at hand. If considering employment at this location no this management has a lack of respect for employees. They will not hold up there end of the deal when approached management and owner become very hostile, disrespectful, and antagonistic. They also say very disparaging things about there customers and demand that field techs lie, To customers about the state of disrepair their trucks are in. If you are a perspective employee or are considering allowing Salem to maintain your fleet think twice. As a mechanic I was told not to, dont write it up, we cant, thats not gonna happen, at almost every turn every day. Salem Lease has no intention of doing the work. You have now been warned goodluck
Great crew, courteous and professional
One of the best and biggest in the country.