The TMS treatment by Dr. Hutton gave me a life I never had, I have never felt better. After suffering from severe depression my whole life and was on the brink of suicide this treatment saved me and gave me a life. I have tried many of antidepressants with little or no results. Now I am med free and fee of depression and never felt better. I have only one regret, and that is that the treatment was not available until I was 61 years of age. If the treatment was available earlier my life would have been vastly improved.Please if you suffer like me from depression, you owe it to yourself to get this treatment.If you have any doubts I have made myself available to be contacted by calling Dr. Hutton and his office will give you my number, if you would like to talk to a patient who has taken the treatment.It have been 5 years since I have had this treatment.