Utterly unorganized and unprofessional. Save your energy and look for better services and management practices elsewhere.
This facility is DISORGANIZED, UNPROFESSIONAL & the staff is UNCARING and RUDE.My experience:On April 17th, I spoke to one of the nurses and requested my prescription to be faxed to my pharmacy. She said shed call me once she faxed it over. I said okay and thanked her.Days passed and I didnt hear from her so I called her back. She didnt answer so I left a voicemail. More days passed.. still no word from her. I called back and left another VM. Again, days passed and still nothing. I called and expressed my concern to the front desk. I told the receptionist, Im having difficulty getting in contact with the nurse, she is not responding to my VMs, and my medication is running very low. The receptionist didnt seem to care. She said to keep waiting. I didnt understand why the receptionist couldnt just get the nurse (whos office is down the hall) on the phone.Well, after 42 DAYS OF WAITING calling numerous times, & leaving messages, IM DONE WITH THIS PLACE! Its obvious they dont care about my well being.
This place looks nice but is so unprofessional. There really is no moral, standard, or integrity, to how these people operate or how they handle those in need. George the van driver, Dr. Healey the director, Eddie Pias the the Supervisor, Aaron the Manager, Sarah the senior Clinician, Divinity the other Senior Clinician, Whittney the case manager, and Jaclyn the case manager have done nothing but try to oppose my progress. No one in the facility respects the fact that Im there to acknowledge my overall health and the front desk staff are so shallow and petty.
If you want proper care go somewhere else, save yourself the time