Great guys that load you. Best way to get to them, is of the following:I59 to exit 67A (Hwy 49), aproxment 1 to 2 miles hwy 42 veers off to left at redlight (Boot work store is on your right) Turn left on 42. 1 to 2 miles turn right on Providence street. It says no trucks but there is a small Blue sign says Zeon.Turn right on west 7th street. About 2 to 3 miles, zeon will be on right. Its entrance is hidden between Uhaul storage and AT&T FACILITY. TURN RIGHT IN TO DRIVE FOLLOW BACK TO zeon Chemical. Follow intstruction on Gate for entry.
The best place to work by far.
This plant is operated very professional for check in to the men that loads you straight business
Fantastic company
Great place !!!!!