A wonderful church. Beautiful music, excellent sermons, historically interesting building, kind and open congregation, strong pastoral leadership. Not only do they care for those who attend Calvary, but they also make a significant contribution to the community with their programs to prevent poverty. If you are looking for a church home in San Francisco, this is a great choice.
This is definitely one church that is inclusive! My husband and I made sure we found a church that was not only diverse, but inclusive as well, and they are. Many mixed couples attend, the young family numbers are growing. I particularly enjoy the invitations to many guest pastors and from different beliefs as well.
It was nice to see other Calvery people in church and worship together again. It has been such a long time of separation from each other. It was also nice to sing in the choir again.
I felt as if I was apart of a family here. I loved the messages the services the togetherness.
I teach Early Childhood Classes at this establishment and let me tell you, these people are a lovely bunch. The classes are free. They are held every Wednesday and it is always packed! The environment is lovely and warm.
Calvarys tagline is We welcome everyone. Really and they mean it. It is a beautiful community and the pastors there give heartfelt, thoughtful and inspiring sermons every Sunday. AND there are countless things going on at the church all week!! Singing groups, support groups, book clubs, young adult groups, you name it. I was not of faith (and wouldnt even pin point what faith is for me now :) for a LONG time and I have loved finding Calvary!! It grounds me and helps me move through the world more selflessly every week!
Leave time for parking... I parked a mile away. And take airborne if youre attending an event with kids.
Although theologically we are night and day and Im here working I feel very welcome here. Its such a beautiful church and the choir is top notch and not distracting.
It was known as calvary presbyterian, however, 21st century hopes for much more diverse voices in the congregation. much more involved in global issues of helping recognizing the poverty monetarily and spiritually down the block and in other u.s. states. organized. beautiful choir. Note Calvinistic, and more aware of new century needs. Trying its older roots amongst the new Digirati observing their kin across the corner at Blue Bottle.
Really beautiful building with a lot of history. I love the classical music concerts they give there.
Traditional Presbyterian Church in the City with modern leanings
This is a very beautiful church. I would like to come one day and catch a service.
Very nice church. Attended a memorial service.
A beautiful traditional church.
A welcoming church thats thriving, growing, and full of energy.
A true community of faith.
Calvary is the household name for presbyterians. Indeed upon calvary came our redemption
They have a classes for kids.
Fabulous Christmas concert!
Variety of programs
Saw it from outside
Very good attention and help