The best 1 on 1 instructors and personalized training plans. Private training sessions and competitive pricing. Get in shape or get ready for competition.
Get Age Fit gets 5 stars from me! Anyone who knows Theo, the owner know he consistently delivers superior services to his clients. He is super knowledgeable and exudes professionalism. Paula and ALL the trainers are top notch. The gym is super clean, new and updated equipment. They provide a safe workout environment by adhering to social distancing practices. I highly recommend this place!
The experience Joanna and I had at Get Age Fit was life changing. We spent 12 months working with Kelly McClain and learned so much about fitness and overall health. Kelly is fun, professional and always motivational. If there was a trainer of the year award, he would have our vote!
Get Age Fit provides the training, motivation and accountability youll need... every step of the way.They say Trust the Process... YES... Establishing a firm habit will produce better results long term for your health than losing 5-10 lbs in a couple of weeks.Slimming and muscle toning combination of resistance training, heart healthy cardio, and customized healthy nutrition with personalized attention!
Kelly is my trainer. Hes personable, caring, upbeat, always 4 weeks I lost 6 lbs of fat and gained 0.5 lbs muscle. Thank you.