This Guy Is The Best When It Comes To This Always Explains Everything To You Not A Scammer We Need More People Like Him In This World ! He Is The Best Always Ask For Michael ! He Will Always Take Care Of You I Sell Vehicles & He Has Been Taking Care Of All My Clients ! THE Absolute Best In The Business!
😡😡😡 I am very angry. Angry at me that it took me 8 years and this is the first comment I put for him. I have known Michael since 2011, when he gave me an unbelievable price for my C250. Then a grate price on E300. However, the price on my C300 and and a Lexus was not the best. But guess what? I never thought twice and I just renew my policy with him. It’s now 930 in Burbank California and I just finished a conversation with him. I called him to ask about California tax preparer pond. A call that 1st no one else is going to answer at that time, 2nd if they answer they would just want to get over with and hand up. But not Michael Rodriguez. He knew I was in the car, in a rush i’m desperate. He started as if he was gonna do something for himself. He Got on the computer and, long story short, I end up getting the bond instead of getting an answer regarding purchasing the bond. If you know the process it’s not that hard but not that easy and simple also but he was just incredible. But I forgot to add that While he was surfing the net to find an instant bond, he managed to add uninsured motorist and windshield protection to my auto insurance and actually reducing the price.Wow I am mind blown.So go figure.Where else can you get a service like that? Try it. Try it out let me know. He is the best.