I have been training in Martial Arts for over 10 years, spread over 24 years in time. The first time I trained it was from 1994/96 to 1997/98. The second time was from 2014 to present day, and still going. Martial Arts training is something I think would benefit everyone. The benefits from this training are numerous. Your health, balance, confidence, self-worth, understanding of life and others by this amazing gift.I have come from being someone who did not finish things, had low self-esteem and did not want to rock the boat too much. I did what I needed to do to survive but not to better myself. I started training because I wanted more out of life and I wanted to be able to handle things, which I could gain by the discipline of Martial Arts.That was the best decision I have ever made. Training has added so much to my mind, soul and body. I approach everything with a clearer, open mind and I am able to be a better person, dad, husband and friend. This has also added more strength to my faith and caring for all things.
I have been training at Body Mind Systems, in Stoneham, for the last 7 years. I started mostly for physical development and for stress. I’ve gained so much over the years through my practice. Physical development in strength, flexibility and stamina. Mental awareness, confidence and determination.
It is being said that things happen for a reason even if it seems a coincidence. I came in the school as a concern parent to raise the confidence, strength, and stamina of my two daughters. I started training myself after few months after they joined the school in July 2016. The training helped them to be healthy, strong, energized, and organized. The discipline they have learnt at school allow them to focus to make decision to limit their screen time on TV + Mobil and keep balance with their academic and other activities. Training helped me to set me free in my life not only to try something out my comfort zone but also helped me to improve the communication in all aspect of my life. I leant to have balance in life. The most impact is not to make excuse even if the things are hard but still take a step to complete the task. The instructors are very helpful to explain anything we have on your mind. I would recommend adults to train @ school to reap the benefits of 5000 years old martial art to uplift the quality of living and stay strong to help not only self but people around your family, friends and others.
I’ve been training for over 4 years now I’ve become a first degree black belt and assistant instructor I feel so strongly about the training and the results it can accomplish for everyone no matter what age or limitations people may have life is a tough battle lots good lots of bad questions how quickly can you recover because if you are in pain physically or mentally you will not be happy in life Body mind systems will give you the tools to challenge yourself make the changes you need in your life it has for me
At the end of 2020 I got in touch with Body Mind Systems and went to take an experimental class. It was a simple lesson compared to what we normally do at school, but at the time it was challenging because I was totally out of shape. After that, I never wanted to stop going and every day I went to school I felt happier, more confident and healthy!The instructors are expertly trained, they teach the movements in a simple and effective way. They are always willing to help and give such valuable guidance that if you follow it you will change your life.They aren’t a “gym”, they are a school and at the same time a family. Fighting is not even half of what Im learning at BMS, Im learning balance, being prepared for the good and bad times in life, taking care of my body and mind and never giving up on whats really important.Dont hesitate to go visit Body Mind Systems in Stoneham, It will be a pleasure to share my experience and talk to you in person. I hope to see you soon!Sincerely,Thalita Emery
I’ve been to other martial arts training before and have not encounter attention, awareness, and sense of collectiveness, respect and care for others as much as BMS; not to mention the high level of training each instructor has.Additionally my health, stamina, self-esteem and overall life awareness has increased greatly.
I have been training at Body Mind Systems in Stoneham for a little over 4 years. The training has had a significant positive impact on my life and I think other people can benefit from the training as well.The training has helped me get physically and mentally stronger through the various exercises, forms, movements, and developmental drills we do in and outside class. As I have built up my strength I have also built up my confidence. That additional confidence has resulted in significant life changes such as a new higher paying job with increased flexibility, moving into an assisting / teaching role related to my training, and most importantly and most exciting, having my first child!In addition to the training helping build my confidence, it also is teaching me how important communication is in our lives. First, our internal communication, in the form of identifying what is important in our lives and then taking action to achieve those things. Also, how important it is for us to keep our word and finish what we start. If we can learn to improve our internal communication we can learn to take more action and have more success in the areas of our lives that we choose to focus our actions. Second, how important our external communication with our family, friends, and our coworkers actually is. The better we are able to articulate and communication in those various situations, the more we can connect with each other, understand each other, and help each other achieve our collective goals.The above improvements are things I have seen continue to grow over the course of my training, but the benefits start the moment you come in and try a class. Trying something new takes willpower, coming in to try a class is a great way to take the first step to building the willpower you will need to achieve the things that you want in life.The instructors push all the students to get better every day, with each exercise, and consistently hold us accountable on the level of effort we bring to class. As a newer student, training with other students who are pushing themselves to get better (and seeing instructors pushing themselves as well) helps provide extra willpower in the lesson, which we can then learn to use outside of the class. The extra willpower I have gained through the training has helped me to make better decisions and form better habits which have helped me lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.Overall, the last 4 years of training (and now assisting / teaching) has helped me become a better version of myself and has taught me there is still a lot of additional room for growth. I really enjoy the fact that I am still learning something new almost every day. I am also grateful that the instructors take such a personal interest in the students and are willing to be strong and hold us accountable – it’s through that accountability that we become better.Based on my experience, I highly recommend Body Mind Systems to anyone that wants to become a better version of themselves and with that, be in a better place to help and interact positively with the people they interact with on a daily basis.
My oldest son Joshua has been going for 3 years and my youngest son Isaac for 2. Seeing them develop from the training inspired me to join and I’ve been going for over 2 years. The school not only helped get us in shape but gave us a level of confidence that I felt was lacking. Joshua is starting to excel at basketball and soccer (and school!) while Isaac is going strong on piano and dance. For me, I’ve started my own business! Not to mention I lost 25 pounds in the first month. The school genuinely cares about your development and the instructors are expertly trained. I highly recommend this for you, your kids or anyone you care about that could really benefit from the physical and mental development that this type of training provides.
Ive been attending Body Mind Systems for over 10 years. The school made me realize how closely our physical, mental and spiritual parts are interrelated and the priority that should be given to developing and improving all 3 sides if we want our lives to improve.On a physical plane, Ive shaved off at least 10 years off my biological age. I am now stronger and healthier than Ive ever been in my life. The most exciting thing is that there is no end in sight especially when I compare my level to that of my instructors, some of whom are quite a bit older.In the last 6 years I migrated into actively teaching as opposed to just training for myself. Teaching is the natural extension of the overall learning process because it allows us to transform knowledge into wisdom. Its hard to see your own face. You need a mirror. Students become that unforgiving mirror that allows us to continue straightening out the hidden parts of our personalities, if we so desire.Whether you want to lose 20 lb, get more confidence, improve your self-esteem, become calmer and more patient with your partner and/or kids, find a more purposeful way to live your life, Body Mind Systems is a great way to get you started on your journey of self improvement.
I have found the care put into the students by the instructors to be very good. I train to keep fit and this has also increased my focus and willpower. It has raised my confidence at work and in life.
It’s amazing how my training has helped me reduce issues associated with getting older. Instead of allowing issues like back, knee, and shoulder pain stop me from doing the things I want to, when they occur I know what to do to minimize the effect from pain, often without needing to visit a doctor. Now I am able to help other students with diabetes and knee issues get stronger using the tools I learned during my training.
A great school to learn martial arts..the teachers are excellent and have a great deal of patience..quite a cordial place
After bumping into Head Instructor Bob in 2014, at Stop & Shop, I was welcomed to attend a class at Body Mind Systems in Stoneham. The class began at 7:00pm with deep breathing and then shifted to warm-up exercises that engaged my core, arms, and legs. After that, we learned techniques in the forms of the martial arts they teach and ended the class with practical methods of how to use those techniques for self-defense. After a few months, I found Head Instructor Bob and the other assistant instructors to be consistent with their advice in training and the benefits.Body Mind Systems offers students in the school the ability to grow through martial arts training and meet some cool people. From my experience, the personal growth from consistent training is full spectrum. The physical growth starts after the first session, where I felt muscles in my back stabilizing to straighten my spine that I never have felt before. The instructors understand the varying degrees of physical ability that the students bring into the practice room and they make adjustments depending on previous injuries and certain body types. The mental growth is of great importance to any student entering the school as well. Bowing patterns such as bowing to the flags of Body Mind Systems after the student enters the school instill an awareness of respect to instructors, other students, and ourselves. The student, in time, will understand that the bowing is mostly for themselves and their awareness of themselves. This is something that permeates into everyday life, adding awareness to my family, work, private life, and beyond. Emotionally, I started to feel myself behaving differently, such that situations where I became anxious no longer brought on the uneasy feelings I used to have. After around a year, I really noticed a more calm state of mind that fostered more settled, directed behavior. Certain angers that I had towards myself and others became much less noticeable as I became more aware of when they feelings would arise and how to change them.Through my years playing basketball in high school and college, I had accumulated scar tissue in the hip due to overuse and misalignments, sprained joints, a fractured rib, and hyperextensions, among others. Through the last couple years of training I have been able to strengthen the joints in my hip and knee and bring alignment to these areas where I no longer have discomfort. I can say today, that my body feels the healthiest that it has ever been. It has been a privilege to work with Assistant National Instructor Bob and Assistant Regional Instructor Igor. If anyone has any questions or interests, feel free to reach out to me or contact any of the schools.
Ive been training toward my black belt with Body Mind Systems for a little over a year now and the growth Ive experienced as a result has been tremendous, both personally and professionally. What initially drew me to this Martial Arts school vs others in the area was the diversity of the people training there in photos - it was highly motivating to see people of all different backgrounds, ages, shapes, sizes, etc. training together in one community! I contacted BMS in Stoneham for a trial lesson after reading some of the testimonials and was impressed; the lesson was challenging (expected), but also a lot more fun and interesting than other kinds of exercise I had done in the past (unexpected), and the Instructor was very knowledgeable and attentive to the needs of the all the students training (I find this is true with all the Instructors at BMS Ive met thus far). I felt a benefit almost immediately after my first few lessons - I slept better at night, so I had more energy the next day. After a few weeks of training, simple things like drinking enough water and eating the right foods during the day suddenly became a lot easier than they were before I started training. Taking better care of myself both physically and mentally over the last year via this training improved my overall health and wellbeing, so I feel like a better version of ME.From this training, I can manage my stress level much better now, enabling me to effectively perform on high-pressure tasks/projects without feeling overwhelmed or too stressed out (feedback I received during an annual review). I recently took on a new opportunity that the old me wouldnt have wanted to do b/c now Im not afraid of the challenge - I know I have what it takes and I know putting in the hard work will bring success.If youre reading this review wondering if you should contact BMS in Stoneham to check it out - DO IT. Now. The lessons learned through training taught me so much about myself and I ve been able to directly apply them to make my life better. My only regret is not starting sooner!
I am very pleased with my training at the Body Mind Systems School of Martial Arts. I will not call it a karate school, or even a martial arts school. You learn about martial arts in this school; and how it can impact you in your daily life as well as how the various martial arts that you learn in this school can help you to become better prepared physically as well as mentally towards meeting daily challenges.I would call this a school that enhances and teaches you life long lessons in utilizing your training, understanding, knowledge and observations in the teachings of the martial arts. The martial arts that you learn at this school should become a daily part of everyone’s life just as essential as breathing. We breathe every day but don’t think about it or even notice but it is essential to our daily lives and this is how much I feel about the martial arts as it should be a daily part of everyone’s life and lifestyle. By learning about the various martial arts that are taught within the school I personally have learned a lot about myself. I have learned about how my body and mind works and responds to various martial arts forms as well as the understanding of what my body can do today and what I could expect from it going forward.When I first began this program I started out at the age of 49, my back was very sore to the point where my leg got numb from just plain walking for 30 min per day. I couldn’t even walk 3 miles without having to stop at least 2 or 3 times before completing my walk due to the numbness in my leg. My back went out four months prior to my attending this school and I had to use crutches and canes just to get up and walk around. At one point I couldn’t even put my leg on my other knee and couldn’t even bend forward to put on my socks. When I started with Body Mind Systems they told me to bend over and try to touch my toes, I couldn’t even get past my knees. I also experienced constant back pain each and every day.Today exactly one year later, my back pain is either non-existent or I occasionally have minor back pain that will go away once I start stretching and practicing the martial arts. I can now without any warm up get to within about 2 ½ inches from my toes and with a good warm up actually go past my toes and touch the floor. I am now 50 years old and it is my belief that the last time I was able to touch the floor without bending my knees was when I was 4 years old. Right now I am very happy with my training as well as obtaining a better knowledge and understanding of the martial arts training that I am receiving. I practice each and every day and I feel better and stronger as well as more confident in myself that I can overcome any challenges presented to me. I would highly recommend this school to anyone wanting to improve themselves physically as well as mentally.
Great training
Awful experience.