We were looking to add a fur baby to our pack. Cynthia offered us a dog that she knew didnt care for kids. The dog got depressed after 3 days and was returned. It was mandatory to have the dog enrolled in training classes. We had to get a refund after returning the dog. After telling her our wants she continued to push dogs on us that wouldnt be a good fit. We were told the 1st dog we looked at was under a year old. When we recieved its paperwork from a vet Cynthia uses, the dog was over the age of 2! Its a requirement that you add her on FB and join their FB group so that she can stalk your posts. The amount of rules was just ridiculous, including that you must take the pet one of Cynthias vets. We love the idea of fostering to adopt, however we would recommend going through another agency.
Very caring. Serious about finding their pets a loving family. Meet Sir Barkley.
We adopted our puppy from K9 rescue and it’s really amazing. They help you with everything and are there with their support