Adam is amazing! I have struggled my whole life with follow through. At the age of 45, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD. I needed help with executive functioning and Adams co-working group has changed my life. I have only attended a hand full of sessions, but they are spectacular. They are helpful for so many reasons: 1. I dont feel alone or ashamed any more, 2. I learn new tools every time I participate, 3. I love the accountability, collaboration, and simple format. But the greatest thing about the group is ADAM.Adam also has ADHD so he is extremely empathetic. You can literally see him putting himself in other peoples shoes and looking at things from their perspective. He keeps us on track but he does it in a way that is gentle, respectful, and patient. For someone who has often felt judged by others, this is such a huge relief! He has an amazing ability to put people first and treat them with honor instead of treating them like problems to be fixed.Plus Adam is extremely collaborative and process oriented. He knows that ADHD manifests differently for everyone and what works for one person might not work for someone else. So he isnt handing out one-size-fits-all prescriptions or using this time to stroke his own ego with tales of how he has dealt with his own battles with ADHD. When someone presents an obstacle they are struggling with, he asks intelligent questions to help the person find their own answers. This is an extremely effective technique. He also opens it up to the group. It is so powerful to hear what has worked for other people and it gives the participants a sense of ownership that is lovely.On top of all that, Adam has a wealth of information, experience, and tools that he freely shares. Every time we meet he offers more resources and skill building techniques for us to try. He is constantly providing creative solutions to deal with ADHD issues. I know I can ask anything and together we will figure out something I can try. I dont feel stuck or alone because I know someone knowledgeable is in my corner.And finally, Adam is a natural cheerleader. He genuinely enjoys seeing other people succeed. And he takes time to acknowledge even the tiniest victories. When learning new skills that is extremely empowering. I usually leave the group feeling like a superstar even though I just paid a few bills. 😄Adam is an extremely gifted coach. His empathetic, collaborative, empowering approach is so rare. We need more of this in the world. I would recommend this group to anyone.
Adam is a man of extraordinary kindness, he is genuinely committed to helping ADHD-ers achieve their fullest potential. He is an excellent facilitator of group sessions and is able to help people help share experiences and learn from each others tactics. I recommend everyone to try his services in some capacity,
Adams co-working sessions have been helpful and supportive for focusing on work and for feeling more connected through group-sharing. Ive come away from sessions with new resources for productivity and with new friends which has been delightful. I deeply appreciate you and the work you do, Adam, thanks for being such a fantastic facilitator!
The co-working session was great! I moved through things I’ve been avoiding for well over a year! It was a life-saver when I couldn’t get myself to do my taxes! Adam’s upbeat, friendly energy keeps me going! I learn something helpful each session I attend.
The coworking session I attended was a good push to finally tackle some dreaded tasks I had been putting off. Somehow being with others (even virtually) who are also trying to get things done is very motivational. Adam is really sweet and positive. He structures the session well and I would recommend this to others.
Adam has been hosting coworking sessions during COVID. I have found them insanely helpful for tackling tedious work that I have been avoiding or that always seems to get pushed to the next days to-do list. Adam is very good at encouraging us to break work down into actionable, realistic chunks and I always leave feeling accomplished, rather than my usual defeated feeling. It is also pretty awesome to be supported by other people in the group who get. you., a feeling that is hard to come by as a person with ADHD. Highly recommend you try a coworking session with us!
This review is long overdue. Melissa was absolutely key in my ability to learn to manage ADHD after being diagnosed as an adult. She helped me find a doctor when I had no insurance. She helped me be at peace with the decisions I had made to put a lot of my life on hold to take care of my mental and physical health. She helped me figure out huge life altering questions about my career, my relationships, my living situation, my spiritual goals, my emotional life, my weight loss and wellness journey. She helped me set goals, stay on track, and develop an internal voice that guides me forward when I am stuck, unmotivated, and feeling helpless.I can say with confidence that there is not an area of my life that was not impacted and improved because of my time working with Melissa, and for that I am sincerely grateful. Long after my regular sessions with her have ended, we still keep in touch because she truly cares about my progress and how I am coping (and Im positive I will at some point book another set of sessions with her). While she maintained professional boundaries she also provided a level of personal care that helped on a totally different level. I cant say that for any other health care provider that I have encountered. Though I never had sessions one on one with Adam, I worked with him a couple times, and I can only say good things about him as well. They make an awesome team, and they give everything to their clients. I cant recommend them enough.
I participated in a group Pomodoro meetup hosted and managed by Adam. He is kind, non-judgmental, and keeps the group on task with encouragement and solid ideas for moving forward. If youre looking for someone who will help you find techniques and tools for managing your time and space with ADHD, I highly recommend talking to him!
When I first met Adam, I felt frazzled and overwhelmed most days. I had a long list of goals that I wanted to accomplish but wasn’t making progress on them. I struggled with looking at my bills and avoided looking carefully at my financial situation. I’m embarrassed to admit I dodged reading my mail and would let it pile on my desk for weeks. I also struggled to plan my meals and incorporate an exercise routine into my life.Adam helped me create habits and lifestyle changes that have improved my life tremendously. Every session began with an update on my life. During the first few sessions we looked at my skills and interests. We figured out what about my current approach wasn’t working. We then tried different approaches until I was able to sustain them over long periods of time. Now they are habits I am proud of. I have paid off my student loans, I’m eating healthier and exercising regularly.Adam offered lots of insight into my situation. He also had lots of ideas and tools to make life more manageable. He was able to help me see things I could not see. He really put things into perspective for me when I needed that. He is very kind and understanding. I always felt he had my back and genuinely wanted what was best for me.Now I don’t feel overwhelmed anymore. I procrastinate less and I’m better able to manage my time and my To-Do list. I am very grateful for all of Adam’s help and would encourage anyone who struggles with ADHD to consider Adam and the ADHD Collective. It changed my life and I know it can help you too.
Adam was enormously kind and generous with my 20 year old son who just learned about his learning issues. We are very grateful for his humor and sensitivity and recommend the Collective as an excellent resource. Thank you again for your support and expertise.
I cannot express how grateful I am for the experience I am and how worth the time and money it was to go to the ADHD Collective. If youre thinking of going, just give them a call...which might take you 3 weeks if you have ADHD, but eventually youll get there.I was not in a good place when I started at ADHD Collective. I began my sessions Adam around June of last year, before I was even positive that I had ADHD. He helped me get through it all. I have since been officially diagnosed, become employed, and I have set up many mechanisms to keep my self esteem up while being more productive.I have nothing but good things to say about them. They have been kind, understanding, helpful, while never seeming disingenuous. My sessions with Adam seriously helped me get more productive, track my goals (not to mention figure them out...), while reducing my anxiety.I plan on going again when I am able, but unfortunately (thankfully?) I am too busy with my new job right now. I would recommend them to anyone.