Dont work in sales for this socialist company. A few fat cats at the top make all the $ and they treat the sales team like dirt. Company motto: Work harder / not smarter.
Booked a load with Yomar. He said he would have it sent over right away. Called him back in 20min because the rate confirmation was not in our inbox. He said that the customer had now been thinking of shipping this load some other day (during those 20min the load had been refreshed a few times on the load board and he never called me back to let me know about this) Read on Safer that this is a constant issue with Paramount shopping around nowadays . Dont waste your time with them, they are unprofessional.
Tried to book a load through them, load picked up until 5PM, made call at 10:30AM and they informed me that we were not set up. Told them wed take care of it in less than a minute, they informed me that it was impossible for their set-up guy that was literally standing right there (I know this because he asked him while I was on the phone) to get it set up in 6 hours. This place is a joke and apparently not up with the times. Would never recommend doing business with them, if they cant set up a packet in 6 hours imagine the rest of their services issues.
Very decent broker. keep up with the good work
Beyond horrible broker, lies after lies DO NOT USE
The Best Of The Best
Pos broker