I was going to this dental for almost three years! I went and got my teeth clean faithfully and was always on time but one day I was late because I had to put my siblings on the bus so I rescheduled Due to being late so my next appointment I was about 10 mins late and filled my paper work out and as I was this spainish women snapped at me and said next time make sure your on time ! I ignored it until I waved to my dentis and she just glard at me so I went up to the desk and asked if I can reschedule Again because I was not feeling comfortable . That same women yelled at me and said no! You reschedule then came in late and your saying your tooth was hurting ! The other women looked at her in shock and I walked away then turned around and said loud enough to her you are rude dont you know that?! And her mouth drop. If I could give this a no star I so would and the dentis and staff are so rude if your late even if its 5mins . Another thing is my dentis told me she would refer me to an oral surgeon To pull my wisdom teeth and that referral never came .