This place is infested with bed bugs and roaches gabage is evrywhere elevators are full of urin stairwells are discusting and smell of urin and fesees washroom for cloths is unkept all appliances are out of date a/c have mold this place needs a real inspection by state .........unlivable conditions i visit a family member who is now waiting on transfer due ti very poor living conditions there not to mention your view of garbage dumsters behind building si prepear for the smell from dump of rehabilitation center directly behind units not to mention garbage truck comes riaring in and slamming dumsters at 3:45 to 4:00 evryday worst week of my life i begged family member to move as soon as possible i suggest evryone who lives at this place to buy a mold tester from homedepot or other and place infront of a/c units before you get sick