Nice building! The only thing I dont like is they make you take the escalator if youre only going to the 4th floor! I dont understand it. Kind of makes me feel second-rate
Donated a number of antiques to United Way which came to pick everything up once the appraiser was finished with his report. We used St Lucie Appraisal from Fort Pierce, FL who was lightning fast in getting the online appraisal done. They came up with equitable fair market value for everything and filled out the tax forms as well. Job well done by all concerned.
Where is the United Way during the California Wildfires? Supposedly working with the Rams and CBS2, but what are they ACTUALLY doing? Ive known needy people in the past that been turned away with no help at all.Wonder how many UW workers will be at the Rams game on free tickets though?They could at least answer their phones at times of trouble. Unacceptable. Find a good charity to support.
Conference rooms are nice to have meetings in. Parking is scare so get there early. One of the eateries had some good chilli.
United Way is a quality organization working hard to combat many of LAs most difficult problems
New and all
Helpful in learning area
Quality of people helping the homeless in Los Angeles