Great property. Debbie is a great manager is is understanding and very attentive to any issues. Its funny that some of these negative reviews were by some of the worst neighbors Ive ever had and they most likely didnt leave on the best terms because of their life styles.
Debbie is very professional and very prompt with all of our needs. Dan (maitenance man) can fix anything & is a great handyman. Good team
I have lived here almost two years and love it. It is close to the hustle and bustle of Hollywood and Runyon, but feels so serene and peaceful once I get home. The interior courtyard with a pool and hot tub feel like I am on vacation at a resort. The gym was recently updated so well that I was able to cancel my LA Fitness membership. My rent only went up $25 when I added another year to my lease. I did a ton of research when my lease was up and could not find a better deal in this area. Most people have lived here for years, so good luck getting in. But if you can, you will love it!
Top back corner apt is incredibly haunted. Actually the entire bldg, and many who have lived there will agree. Sorry...not sorry to say.
Raw sewage regularly backed up into and over my kitchen sink. It took over a year to partially remediate the situation. In the interim, Debbie, the building manager, played dumb, pretending not to understand the difference between a clogged sink and back-flow from the common pipes.But, it looks so pleasant from the outside, and it is close to Runyon Canyon, you say...The garbage and recycling areas are revolting and unsanitary, often forming a large festering heap which flows out of the garbage room and into the parking deck along with the smell.The trash chutes would regularly clog and the piled up garbage would flow out and into the halls.One of the two elevators was broken for close to six months and there is no direct access to the lower parking deck via the stairwell.My bathroom fan broke, producing an ear splitting noise. That took four months to fix, after multiple service requests and emails.My apartment partially flooded after water overflowed from the sink upstairs.Not to worry! Debbie assured me that the water was clean* blank stare *Needless to say, all the issues were treated in the same lackadaisical manner as the sewage backing up into my sink.Debbie, the manager, is at best, a deranged kook, and at worst, a criminal and drug addict. The end result is that she is never available, and pretends to have some sort of imaginary busy schedule at all times.Packages are routinely stolen.. My neighbor had his apartment broken into and his BMW was stolen as well. How would this even happen? It seems pretty obvious that someone who lives in the building was helping.If all of this was not enough, and I could go on, let me wrap this up for you:tl;dr Run, dont walk!There are much better places at much better prices in this area now.
Be careful with Debbie she is a horrible person. Triumph management is the worst of the worst.
On the outside it looks nice, on the inside its horrible. If anything gets stolen, just remember that their security cameras dont capture faces or licence plates.
One of the worst apartments in Dallas. Horrific mgrs, noise level over the top. Young people live here without respect or any kind of manners....RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!
YelpWrite a ReviewRamin B.Savoy West ApartmentsRatingEek! Methinks not.All changes savedThe Savoy West: I have nothing positive to say about this place based off my own personal experiences: This is the only apartment complex I have ever lived where my apartment was broken into, possessions stolen including my car due to managements negligenceCons:1. My house was broken into with all of my possessions robbed by someone who was illegally squating on the premises waiting for the right time to break in and enter. My Car and All of my Possessions stolen due to managements negligence. This is because the property does not have enough security cameras and do not regularly inspect the premises to check for people that are illegally there whether its transients or airbnb.2. A few times a year black sewage sludge/black goo will spill out of your kitchen sink leaving your kitchen smelling like ass/sewage/garbage. The smell is so poignant and strong that it will take you several hours to clean it. When you ask management what or why this keeps happening?? they respond these buildings are old - Im washing my dishes in a sink that spews out toxic sludge - how healthy can that be?3. Fire Alarm blarring at night for the better part of 6-8 months around 2-4am AND IT DOES NOT STOP same vicous cycle every night over and over again. Your anxiety starts at 4am - this went on for severl months it was terrible.4. When you finally leave the premises they will TAKE UP TO 40% OF YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT - mainly to clean their old dirty carpets from the 1980s which will cost YOU - $200 dollars and another $100 to clean the apartment / Usually I get one cleanup fee from an apartment complex for $200 max, here it will end up being much more.AND in the event you want to mount your TV (and they will tell you to let their handyman do it for you for a small fee) afterwards they will charge you a full $300 dollars for PAINT - thats about $600 that they will TAKE no questions asked. Its a simple job but yet you pay for 10 times more.5. What I am trying to get at here is that this apartment complex is terrible and run down and they know it too, so they will find a way to nickle and dime you every which way they can up until you move out.I asked them for a dishwasher once and managements response was that I need it to do a really good job rincing the dishes aka wash the dishes first before you use the dishwasher which defeats the purpose of owning a dishwasher. The dishwasher at my new apartment complex which was also built around the same time the Savoy was is much newer and works like a charm. No need to wash the dishes beforehand lol ..I live across the street now, the kitchen appliances works much faster, the sink does not spill toxic sewage out and smell like ass, my car is safe and sound and I have peace of mind. Save yourself the trouble and money and find somewhere elseOh and if you lose your laundry card (a small little laminated card w a chip) they will charge you 40 dollars for it like youre at the RITZ lol ..