I rescind any nice review I left. Jims Auto Electric is the bottom of the fu*king barrel and I will spend the rest of my days trying to bring that company down. He quoted 1250$ for a job then at the end of it all it was 2500$, plus I had the car one day before an issue HE CAUSED and refused to take responsibility for arose and I had to spend MORE money on towing and he wanted MORE money to fix an issue HE caused in the first place. Whatever you do, do NOT do business with this pompous, belittling, condescending individual. All the busted cars out front are the abandoned vehicles people left there after he destroyed their vehicles, I bet money on it.
Jim is a good mach mechanic a little pricey.
Im glad I read reviews before coming here. Jims auto electric is not getting money from me...Scratch this one off my list.