Pink Bee was hired by your company Building Maintenence Solutions- Honolulu as a subcontractor to conduct services for your client Crate and Barrel in Corte Modera CA. The onsite team at that site was very happy with the services that we provided and stated that they’ve never seen the building so clean and polished until we worked the site. Unfortunately, Pink Bee opted to no longer work with your company as our staff was being mistreated and verbally belittled by BMS. Per contract, BMS was responsible for providing equipment and solutions. However, all of the equipment onsite was inoperable. PB sought to resolve this issue by providing our own equipment for the site. Nonetheless, BMS requested that we take responsibility for repairing their equipment. PB’s company policy does not allow our staff to leave site with equipment that does not belong to us. It is important that all of our staff is treated with respect and kindness as without them PB would not exist. Sadly, our Cleaners reported that they were not treated or spoken to in a kind manner. It is also important that our Clients are in line with the same business ethic. We wish your company success in all of its endeavors and appreciate your understanding. Should any potential Clients request any verification of our reasons for terminating the contract with BMS, we would be more than happy to provide it.
I found The owner of this company to be fair, honest and a person with integrity.She resolved a very sensitive and urgent problem in a very fair manner stemming from a payroll issue that occurred with a michigan store that was by no fault of her own
I worked for BMS LLC last year and I can assure you that they are perfectionist when it comes to cleaning. I worked at two Apple stores and you couldnt find one finger print or molecule of dust anywhere. Almost entirely due to Avis Cabral (Operations Manager). I highly recommend anyone looking for a janitorial service to choose BMS.........BMS is the Best!!!!!!! 📣
They are the best.