This office has handled my auto and home insurance needs for many years and has always been awesome. Recently, Adam helped with some transactions that occurred and went above and beyond in explaining and helping to resolve the issue. He was thorough, knew all the nuances of the situation and quickly provided several alternatives and the eventual solution. Thank you Adam and Linell for years of great service and help!
5 years since I joined Scott Bristol. Adam, Linett and Janet are awesome! Thanks
I own a painting company and have recently helped 50 or so of our customers through insurance claims. The claims process can be very difficult to navigate through and Scott is the only agent that I saw actually step in and help his customers, when they had troubles with their claims. Because I want the same type of help if I ever have any problems with claims, I just switched all 6 of my insurance policies to Scott and State Farm. Linell, who is on Scotts team, did a great job helping me get everything switched over.