Reached out to this office as we are currently in the middle of a child abuse case involving the other parent. We were looking to be educated on how to obtain a GAl and what the process would be. Whomever answered the phone was very rude, spoke in a very condensending manner, spoke over the top of me, and wouldnt allow me to even explain the case. I guess having a voice for a child is not top concern nor is compassion or educational resources for parents. Will be documenting this experience within our call for action story. It is really sad how concerned parents are treated when it comes to protecting their minor child against another parent whom has openely admitted to abuse whom has it documented in a police report as well as through cps. 6 months of trying to get help. Just had a new incident this weekend. What has to happen before someone steps in helps? Thats a scary thought The offices which have been put in place for children continue to fail miserably. 6 months without an appointed GAL. When parents reach out to find out what rights and what resources are available, you should at least approach the conversation with a little kindness and some professionalism. Some of us are purely seeking help and advice as to what steps should be taken to aquire that said help. Doesnt mean that we are uneducated or not able, nor that you are above whom you are speaking with. Im sure this process and the legal terminology is new for every parent seeking help. At this point of venture, we only have the choice of going public. We will begin advocating and providing the voice that so many departments have failed to provide. Protecting a child should have no bounds. The manner in which this lady whom answers the phone approaches and speaks to people is absolutely horrendous. She should not be working with any situation envolving advocation for children. That much is absolutely transparent and crystal clear! What is in the dark always comes to light. So shall this.
Currently dealing with a custody battle and our GAL is Deanna Barton. Having a really tough time with Deanna, shes not compassionate at all. She has no interest in helping our child for she doesnt even know me or my son. Shes trying to terminate my rights even though Ive done everything theyve asked. She doesnt know what it takes to raise a child. Doubt she even has any of her own. Sick of this fresh outta school, stuck up, straight by the book woman controlling my life and telling me that Im not ready. I own a business, and have more support than needed
Called the 633-3411 in Colorado Springs at 10:11am on 12-12-19. My wife and I are trying to help a young by becoming his guardians. It has been a very difficult and frustrating uphill battle. The young lady who answered the phone was absolutely horrible and rude. Would not let me finish a sentence. I had to hang up on her to avoid telling her off. She should not be answering the phones! Thank you for making a complicated and difficult situation even more complicated and difficult.