This is an electronics shop out of the old days, with VHF microphones and mixers sitting on the repair desk an plus ancient white Kalamazoo guitar on the wall. There is 50 years of Pro Audio knowledge built up in the staff, mostly knowledge about vintage equipment from the Shure Brothers Company. If you have a Shure 58 Mic or an Elvis 55S, this where you ought to go to get it fixed.
Delta Audio is OPEN to service vintage Shure equipment (wireless mics and mixers). They repair mics, mixers and receivers. They have seen the full gamut of vintage Shure equipment! Mixers (FP31, FP32, etc.) and Mics (T1, T2, L Series, 55S) are their specialty. The sound of those old analog VHF systems is sheer magic! #55S #Elvismic #fp31 #fp32 #T1microphone #PGX2 #PGX4receiverOpen Monday 10-7, Tuesday 10-3, Thursday 10-7, Friday 10- 6, Saturday 10-5, and Sunday 10-3.
Courteous and efficient service.