As a retiree, I realized I wasnt getting the daily exercise I needed to be able to help others (and keep myself healthy). A few years ago, a very close friend introduced me to the Curves on the SW part of Green Oaks, just N of I-20 & on Green Oaks. It is just for women...they have :A) Very accommodating hours from early in the morning to early in the evening...B) Fantastic professionals who will guide you into a healthier lifestyle through a circuit of machines that work each part of your body...C) Opportunities to meet many new wonderful & friendly ladies who will be working out, encouraging you, & enjoying friendships along beside you...D) You... on a healthy (physically & mentally) pathway to a stronger body)...I know this for a fact because, I had some very physical home... that could have become crippling had I not been going to Curves.Looking back over the past few years, I now realize that following the suggestion of my dear friend has been one of the best things in my life.
Great place - I already have had good results after only a month. Cant wait to see next monh!
I work there. Come see me $20 enrollment fee