Excellent martial arts school.. especially great for my 6yr old grandson Carter. Such an awesome opportunity for youth to learn respect, commitment, dedication and confidence... not to mention burning up all that extra energy.
The experience is unlike any other. The BEST in town by far. The instructor starts class by getting down to the kids’ level and leveling with them, giving them respect, as in-turn the instructors expect respect. Its not a baby-sitting service. There isnt any “student teachers”. Its very structured, yet entertaining.
My son and daughter both go here and have a lot of fun. The place is affordable for martial arts and the instructors are all awesome and have passion for kuk sool. My kids are young and I highly recommend for other young children as a way to get physical exercise, coordination, discipline and a sense of accomplishment.
Amazing Martial Arts School! Everyone that helps out in each class are are very nice. Also if you see this, hi Daniel Sir. :D
All of the instructors here are great. They strike a nice balance between casual and strict.