Both my daughter received great counseling here as well as my husband and I in our parenting. I really feel like they listened and understood. Highly recommend.
Easily the worst and most reckless experience I have had with any professional service industry. Each counseling session had no direction or control by the facilitator what so ever. Utterly offensive to hear a therapist give medical insight and advice that helped tear apart a marriage based on opinions from a practitioner that had absolutely no medical background or any scientific evidence to support her opinions in any way. If anything this Christian Marriage counseling over the course of only 2 1/2 sessions helped fast track a divorce instead of salvaging one... and all for the modest price of about $150.00 a session. There was no evidence of any Christian based support or a safe open environment to convey any information. I would never recommend this service to anyone or anything it offers. You simply dont offer information about drugs or drug abuse as fact when all of your information is completely false and inaccurate, then not have to take responsibility for the influence is caused.