Jonathan was such a help!!! Wonderful person, providing assistance, suggestions and other tips that can benefit who ever calls for waste and other worries. Thanks jonathan.
2nd time in 6 months missed pickup day in Port Tampa. Everyones can is overflowing. I called their office - no sense of urgency, DO NOT CARE...
We all need to be glad we have disposal services ! If you have ever visited some third world countries and have seen the garbage and waste issues then you will understand. Sure! It is not always perfect but it is not an easy job and almost always thankless. I for one appreciate and applaud those that provide this very necessary service.
The trash can has been sitting at the front of our driveway for over a week. The entire block can relate. Do better.
Underappreciated! Our pickup is consistently on time with no complaints when we overstuff. Personable drivers wave to neighborhood kids.
The Thursday driver picks up my entire street except for my house. After the 4th time this happened I called and complained. Now the driver is retaliating and placing my can in the center of the driveway so I have to stop in the middle of a busy road and move my can so I can park. Is this the stellar service that our mayor said we would loose by cutting out the 10% fluff out of the budget? All I’m asking is that they do their job!
The app works but the city doesnt. I used the app to contact the city everyday for a week about a dead pit bull that was dumped in front of my house. Every day they said they were sending someone out and every day no one came. They even told me they had already picked it up but with the app I was able to take a picture to show them it was still there. They then told me it would take an additional 3 to 4 business days to pick it up. This was after five days of continual contact. It eventually took a call to the mayors office to get them to come out but this was after being bombarded by buzzards that had already picked the carcass clean.
The City of Tampa Solid Waste Department is the worst operation in town! I am amazed that it is functioning at all. For the past several weeks they have left my refuge cart half full. No excuse for it as they are already here. If you are already here do the right thing!! I decided to use the Customer Service Center to voice my complaint. I requested to see a supervisor and they responded that a supervisor has been alerted to my situation. I did not ask for you to alert him, I asked to speak to him. Evidently he is not sufficient in his duties and responsibilities already or the job would get done and done properly. If I could take away the 1 star rating I would. You certainly have not earned it!!!!
If you have all day to kill feel free to call a customer service person. Judging from the other reviews Im not the only one. How about hiring a couple of extra people to answer the phone.
Awful awful awful!!!!! Tax dollars being wasted. I understand holidays but there are missed weeks. I cut yard waste per requirement and bundle sticks. If a small woman can pick it up I expect a man can! Trash will be poking from the top (due to weeks missed) and it gets left. They do not even have to leave their trucks! Take some pride and god forbid effort into your jobs! If I did my job half a** I wouldnt have one!!!!
Worst waste collection in the east coast (blue bin).Is very frustrating how lazy my blue bin garbage crew is. If the lid is barely open, they dont pick up. If garbage falls to the ground, it stays there. Is the bin is not perfectly parallel to the road, it doesnt get picked up. It is very frustrating.I have lived in many counties and states and the service in the Seminole Heights area is the worst by far. The only reason I didnt give it a 1 star is because the recycling actually gets picked up as it should.I understand it is not an easy job, but you are getting paid good money to do it, do it right.
Pick up recycling in the same truck as garbage, never clean up garbage that falls from the trucks. Miss pic up and never come back.. speeding down streets!!! I still do not understand why the north side of my street is picked up in the morning but south side is mid afternoon, if at all...
So far no problems after 24 years here. I have been the problem a few times. The drivers do as much as they can. But it is up to us residents to follow rules. Custermer service was fast to respond to my issues. Thank you drivers and city of tampa for your service. Who would like to do their job? Ha.. not me
The service is about 80 percent reliable. They either forget to get recycles, miss pickup or drive right by yard debris.
They didnt warn nobody that they was running the day after hurricane irma
For the past week or two i have to call to get my garbage piked up on sept. 2 2014 slid waste supervisor came by and picked up my garbage and he gave me his card ifi dont get my garbage picked up that should not happen
I’ve never had an issue with solid waste pick up in Foresthills!
The service sucks. the driver miss container all the time.or they skip the whole street.
Why are you open till 5:30 but nobody is there after 5
Terrible pick up service and even worse customer service. They miss my pickup at least twice a month!!!
Less than stellar service
Misses my side of the street regularly
Despicable service Department needs a overhaul
Three weeks without pickup now.
They are not doing a great job. Very lazy. the Driver miss containers all the time.
City of Tampa employees are lazy and rude