This was the Democratic Headquarters. I spent a lot of time phone banking and attending the Canidates as they arrive to help. Peggys workers are definitely loyal.
My husband, brother, wife and other family members spent hours a day making calls to others on the phone bank. We have seen a lot of canidates come and succeed. I remember Cory Booker now a great Senator come on his first time with his beautiful Mother. He has a way of making everyone feel comfortable and important. A rare gift.Senator Bonnie Watson Coleman has such a easygoing way with her.I remember a young man who came with his mother. He is now the President of the High School Democratic Club.. I didnt put his name he is under age.. Most of all the Queen of Democratic party Peggy is the one behind and in front. Shes a leader without actually being high and might. She can recognize gifts and utilizing them for the party benefit. Thisll always be a special place for me in Somerville Politics.The last person who announced their bid for office was Ambassador Phil Murphy now Governor of New Jersey. This place is where history happebha.