I was deteriorating rapidly and likely headed for a wheelchair. My brother took me to The Perfect Workout and I have great hopes that I will not need that wheelchair after all. Everything is about me and my progress toward my physical goals. It is a treat to work with such quality trainers. Join! Youll love it after week 3!
There is nothing like this and nothing better than this workout. Ive exercised all my adult life and never experienced anything better. The workout is really tough, yet extremely safe, it is very compact but effective, and the trainers are excellent! I started this when I had an early diagnosis for osteoporosis and had issues with the meds. Not only am I stronger, I am reversing my osteoporosis. I also want to call out that in this era of Covid, they take all the required precautions - I feel very safe in the Perfect Workout studio. The Perfect Workout is worth it!
Has been very effective in making me stronger and made my arms look way better
I love the perfect workout. My trainer watches me and makes sure I dont get hurt, and encourages me to work harder than I would do on my own. She does all the work, setting up the machines, counting the reps, and is a second pair of eyes on my form so I can really focus on the movement. Also the studio counts as a medical rehabilitation so it is still open when most Gyms are closed for the Pandemic.
Excellent support and training. Any of the trainers will give any fitness level a solid workout, and over time, significant improvements. Above average cleanliness, and really great trainers
This has been an awesome journey!! Ive been working out at The Perfect Workout for 6 years. I wish there was one a little closer to my home but its the longest Ive been able to sustain a consistent work out routine!!Its the trainers that keep me motivated and push me to get and keep me in shape. They are so knowledgeable in body mechanics!! I will continue !!
My favorite workout. It’s the first time I look forward to weight training. Valerie is the best. She is patient, but knows how to push you just the right amount.I have been going to the San Mateo location twice a week for past 5 months. I can’t believe that you can get an amazing workout in just 20 minutes. Slow motion strength training has changed my life. I feel stronger and healthier.
Merry is an absolute delight to work with ... get it abs-olute ... haha
The Perfect Workout has helped me become stronger physically and my bone density has improved since doing the Perfect Workout. The trainers are knowledgeable and work with you to push yourself and achieve noticeable results. I am very pleased with my PW experience!
I dont do a lot of exercise but found the workout easier than expected and my trainervery encouraging
The Perfect Workout may have saved my life!Love the fact that the trainers are so knowledgable and consistently help me focus on form resulting in successful strength, stamina, and energy.The doctors who treated me when I got to the hospital on a golf trip out of state due to low red blood count from irritated esophagus were astonished that I had the core body strength to made it in time. Count 5.9This workout has been the most beneficial for my overall health and energy of anything I have tried. I signed up for a year in advance after my first round.!!PS Im 77
Great workout for people who dont have a ton of time and want to get bang for their buck. Love the concept, adore the staff!
I have been training at The Perfect Workout for about 5 years. I am thrilled that I discovered TPW because I definitely feel/look fitter and healthier and I also have more confidence that I am and will face aging with vigor and the strength to face whatever challenges present.
Fabulous! A workout I can easily stick with because you dont sweat and therefore do not have to shower and redo hair and makeup!