I bought a painting of Venus at the Arts Fest and needed to frame it properly for protection from light and of course aesthetics. I had just moved in across the street from the Frame Shop so I ventured over. I met the most amazing woman who was the example of strength that I desperately needed at that time. Kismet. Anyway, the portrait of Venus looks even more striking in the frame she made to fit perfectly. Im always looking forward to seeing the owner.
They have some very interesting printmaking. Different styles and even a few paintings. There was some nice silver work with previous stones worth looking at. They also had an art event with Connect outside.
Not only is this ladys customer service deplorable to say the least, she is disrespectful and irresponsible with her schedule. At first she not only did not properly center our pain in the frame but as we expressed our dissatisfaction with the work she started becoming extremely belligerent because we wanted her to fix it. When I went to pick up my frame she not only cursed me out of the store but wouldnt even give me a copy of the receipt saying that I had paid her in full so I had to take a picture with my camera phone. I regret taking my painting over there and for the quality of the work you should probably try other places, not only would it be faster somewhere else, but you will at least get customer service and be treated with respect.
I feel its necessary to clarify that the first two reviews associated with this Gallery are actually about the business (framing store) previously located at this address. This gallery does not offer framing, also no one who works here blasts loud music or is drunk at work.
Great new gallery in the Avenues.