PTK Philadelphia has knowledgeable instructors that bring a deeper understanding of the material covered by offering insights into body mechanics, environmental awareness, and cognitive development. These quality instructors have created an environment that welcomes explorations and development for all levels. It is plain to see that they are encouraging and invest in the growth of all those willing to learn. Everyone is a student in their own journey and everyone helps in the advancement of the group. I have been a with the group for a little over a couple years and am ever challenged and encouraged by them.
The only center in the area where this close quarters combat system is taught.. the teachers are here take their time and educate you. Angola and his wife are incredible
The only location for true, authentic Kali in the city of Philadelphia. Authorized by the Pekiti Tirsia Kali World Federation and Pekiti Tirsia Tactical Association, this organization is connected to the the active Tuhons (Masters) who are currently propagating the system worldwide. Other kali schools in Philly are mixed with other systems, and the kali is not the primary system of the school or head instructor. Live Blade - PTKCOP specializes in Kali only, and all aspects of it-- blade, empty hands, sword, stick, improvised weapons, multiple opponents, etc. Highly recommended.