Staff does not communicate, never return phone calls, they discharged my daughter stating “she needed a higher level of care, come get her” no paperwork, no medications or even a list of medications. When I arrived to pick her up, staff wouldn’t answer any questions, wouldn’t even speak to me about what to do next.
This is to PrairieCare Residential and not the hospital.This treatment center is unique compared to other residential treatment centers as they are smaller and part of the larger PrairieCare System. That being said the programming is geared towards each of the residents and has a large family component which is positive side. The program on the floor is focused on learning social skills, life skills, DBT skills and leaning new coping skills that are beneficial. PrairieCare Residential overall does a really great job providing care and treatment.
Ive never met a more passionate staff. They care for these kids and their success in this world so much!
Waiting for a spot for over a month. Don’t return phone calls
I would give this place negative Stars if I could. Our Dr suggested my daughter go to half out patient classes. She went for 6 weeks over the summer, every day. She was supposed to get help for her anxiety & sensory problems & was to be watched to see of they thought any other diagnoses fit her better. The day we were scheduled for a tour and intake the lady interviewing us was sick and kept leaving to vomit. Other people busted into the room and we had to move on more than one occasion because they had no idea who was supposed to be where and everyone was confused. They promised us an evaluation with an occupational therapist for my daughters sensory problems (NEVER HAPPENED).It ended up being more of a place for trouble making kids. They sent a sheet home every week that the parents had to fill out on how we disciplined our daughter at home and what problems we had. Um... None? She isnt in trouble! She has mental health issues.During our intake they promised me they would work with my daughter for lunch and snacks because of her sensory issues. I had to ask multiple times why my daughter say through lunch with no food and finally on her LAST WEEK THERE they figured it out and offered her other things.It was extremely traumatic for my daughter. She still gets upset taking about it. Send a kid with anxiety & sensory issues to a place full of kids that are naughty & loud etc.Biggest regret of my life. I wish I told the Dr to shove it and never sent my daughter there. The entire process was unorganized. They have no idea what they are doing and I would NOT hand your child over to them.
I was here for a mental breakdown caused by a medication screw up. This place is awful. There is cameras on you 24/7 that are being monitored 24/7. There is not a moment the staff are not monitoring you. I was only allowed to see 10 people at maximum. The bedrooms are not at all welcoming. The only electronics I was allowed to have were radio headphones and a noise machine. When I ripped off a knob on my headphones out of frustration ( the headphones still worked fine.) they took both of my electronics away. You are only allowed to call family 3 times a day. And my therapist prescribed me a useless medication that was supposed to help with my anger. I did nothing but make me more angry more often.
Had I known the outcome and the resulting behaviors I would see from my child, I would have homeschooled them.They made the wrong diagnosis, prescribed medication that was not effective, didnt listen when I tried to talk to them.My child is no better now than he was prior to attending this school.
This place will be the biggest mistake you will ever make in your entire life.I have extreme anxiety and sensory issues, not to mention autism and a hate for crowds.Sure, this place was supposed to help me with these issues, and move from class to class to make it fun and refreshing and like a school or something. It was more like a prison. Lets be honest. I was actually literally AFRAID of my peers at PrairieCare since most were bad kids. Smashing their water cups, screaming, etc. what a fun place for the sensory child with anxiety to go!The staff were complete mean idiots. Any time I got super stressed due to my anxiety, sensory, the other kids, etc, and I would begin to cry. Theyd walk over, get in my face and go Whats wrong, Mallory? Do you feel sad? Whats wrong? as if it wasnt obvious why I was upset. Not to mention they blocked out ANYTHING you said!Example, Id have a meltdown, I already hate this place with all my being, fume with anger every time my parents come to pick me up. Id CLEARLY state to them multiple times Can I please draw? Drawing helps me calm down. Please. Can I have some paper? and they would say no because it wasnt art time, haha, fun. Looks like Ill just cry in the corner and watch as my hatred for the doctor that recommended this bloomed. Now, lets skip to art time. I love art! Id love doing the art projects and it was really the only part I enjoyed.. Except for when art time was over and they wouldnt let me stay an extra two minutes to finish, thus causing meltdown, already hate this place, why cant I leave already?, Mallory, is something wrong? Insues.Now, I was supposed to go here for sensory, which by the way, they never spoke a WORD about sensory to me or my parents. But when lunch time came, Id ask for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Oh, were serving meatballs today! Yes brenda, I saw, But I hate meat. Do you have bread and some pb&j like a freaking asked? My mom was apparently told this was already taken care of and that Pb&j was completely available to me. It apparently was not. Every single day, Mallory, why arent you eating? Because I have PROBLEMS, GLADYS. They never caught on to me wanting peanut butter and jelly, and yes I get it, there could be kids with peanut allergies! Think of the children! Then put me in a different room! Serve me just plain bread! I dont care! Just listen to why I dont eat every day! Then when I would complain about being hungry, theyd automatically assume my family was abusive and didnt feed me… when they were the ones not feeding me.Now, you got 2 snacks within the day. A bag of chips or a granola bar and various other little snick snacks. You could either have one in the morning, one in the afternoon, or both during the morning or afternoon. Catching on to them never giving me pb&j, I would walk to the snack counter and ask for a third or fourth snack that I could have during lunch time so I didnt just mope on the seats. You get 2 a day, Mallory! Well, okay then. Meanwhile the employees are fumbling around asking themselves why I was being so crabby and snappy, huh, I wonder why as I scream from a distance all the things I would like to calm me down such as a single piece of paper and A PEN.Every single day I would come running to my parents car sobbing because I hated the entire experience. It was an autistic, anxiety-prone sensory child stuck in a loud, hyper, disorganized mess of a building.It was the most terrible place ever. I still get the heebie jeebies just thinking of the place. Waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, remembering the times my anxiety was the worst its ever been. I dont think Ive ever been happier than the day my mom came in and said that this was the last day I had to go here.I wish I had more warnings to tell anybody even thinking of stepping a foot into this place, but Ive forced myself to forget a lot of things.On a scale from 1 - 10 of how bad it was, Id say 74.
Torture pure torture I hated it as a kid it gives me nightmares to this day they are not nice and your see your parents once a week for 5 minutes and they are terrible they have nothing to group talks TERRIBLE I would rate 0 stars