I absolutely hate leaving bad reviews. This review is more so based on her responsiveness and not her skill. When contacting a professional such as she during a crisis (not an emergency) to try and set up a first time appointment for a family member, I reached out twice via email and twice via voicemail. I even poletely requested that she please return my call even if she could not take on a new patient so that we may cross her off our list. How very insensitive to not even reach out with a reply. Many people in search of her services would be in the middle of some sort of crisis and at the very least a response would be the most compassionate thing so as not to waste someone’s precious time in the search for help and potentially even delay them in finding that help.
Dr. Buss is great. Shes confidential, flexible, and happy to talk through anything. She is a very warm person, and has made for a great first time counselor for me. She is very straightforward, and has helped me greatly in my relationships with my family and my SO.