Very understaffed and still recovering from the Covid shutdown. It has been a wonderful community resource in the past and needs support now.
Sorry the store is closed but the friendship center is open yeah. I volunteered there for 2 1/2 yrs @ the store. Helpful .friendly
Its a good place. Use to be a better place when they helped the homeless now they forgot their purpose.... sad
Comprehensive programs helping people socialize and learn woodworking skills
Fantastic charitable organization doing good in the community. Definitely worth supporting.
This is a Faith based wood working non-profit location that welcomes all sober people, some disabled, and homeless. Its a wonderful place to find Gods love.
Great place to talk to people about the word of God and humble yourself because everyone that works here work really hard to help out whoever they can. No discrimination, no disrespect, and great people here.
I love the place, never bored, lots of things to keep us busy with, helpful God loving & caring people, worshiping, bible study, sharing of how God changes lives & history. I love working with the carving machine. Awesome some place
Great cause and staff are amazing
I really enjoy and appreciate going to hang out with these humans. Kind, helpful. 😁
Charity work, kind folks and pleasant environment.
Its a helpful place, Ive only gone a few times. But they accasonaly hand out gas vouchers which is definitely nice.
I had to do community service and this was the only place that would take me due to my checkered past.I am forever grateful for their ministry and I feel good that I can refer others to volunteer there
Woodturning wood dyeing presentation by master wood Turner Jerry Bahr. Great venue with a friendly environment
These guys are doing more for our community than most can imagine
Great place to go and hang off do some crafts watch a movie have a snack drink coffee. Hey help with find resources being new people
Great place great people good atmosphere Ive been going there for 10 years keeping myself out of trouble
I like this place, some people complain about them but you treat people how you want to be treated and most of the time they will recipacate. Im kind to them and they are always kind to me in return, u go in like gime gime gime i am oued everything i want then most people will be like😬👊😂
FOC is awsome! Sadly after 2wks I stopped going. Craig was the reason. Hes not a very nice man. Behind the scenes. I parked bad one time. He hunted me down at the day center. Talked so down and rude to me. I was totally shocked. I went back next day for devotion. I felt so uncomfortable. I felt as if he was waiting for me to do something wrong. I quit going. Which is very sad. It was helping, the daily devotion. He makes me feel unwanted and low about myself. I had 2 other I Incounters with him after that. Maybe he should take a vacation, or help somewhere else. I understand that the Homeless can be very needy and stressful. But not all of us make a career out of being homeless. FOC and Share have done so much for me. Me volunteering, is/was a way of giving back for what they have so graciously done for me and mine.
This is a great place to go and meet friendly people
I have had fun doing sawing with the scroll saw and sanding different wood projects
Love the people here they are so kindhearted and loving
They know I know nobody up here and Im by myself.. So maybe thats why i seem unfocused. We are all entitled to our opinions. I volunteered for my own free will after I had finished my mandatory hours. And what do you know they just kicked me out: the reasons are unclear and one sided. I didnt agree with any judgement made against me. The staff members talk about each other, they are letting go of someone who doesnt want to go and who liked working there. They ask you personal questions and then use it against you. Im not there for drugs, alcohol, or stealing. They accused me of stealing and if you knew me youd know I was not brought up that way. Im not welcome back- I hope I have supporters here because when it rains it pours and I am just going to have to stick it out and keep my head up. I mean i watched as a staff member was just arrested for having illegal things in his possession. And this supposed to be faith and christian?! Andre is great, and michelle, and tom, and jon. Janine and Sandra have more insecurities and fear than I do- I advocate for whats right. This is not.
Would have rated it 5 stars, but the website says you open at 9:00am, and I went down and the sign on the door says 10:00am open. Wasted trip!!
Great place to build relationships.. Woodworking ministry
Beautiful wood pieces, crosses, boxes and such at great price. Wonderful program.
A great place to be a volunteer to help with anything
Theyve got a good amount of wood .expect them to rip you off they dont pay you the full amount $5.00 per hour .not even husband and I both spent two hours .we only got ten bucks total in a Safeway gift card .shame on them.
They are working towards a good cause.
On Wednesdays from noon to three they have a party of some sort and you can walk away with a $5 gift card or gas voucher your choice just hang out have fun paint a Rock or play some bingo
Really helpful when we had nothing, they helped with some clothes and food. Thank you!
God Bless You *AllOver There😁ThankYou 4 Your Assistance!!
Not so friendly considering its a social site that serves the people who can least do without
Many homeless in the area now ruining the childrens park near here. Sleeping and doing drugs in the park is keeping us from taking our child there to play. When you call the police to report it the people are long gone by the time the police get there.
Its a place where you can hangout and learn how to wood work but for some reason I did not feel comfortable there cause some of the people were unfriendly
Very relaxed and safe atmosphere
Had a wonderful experience.
They claim to help the homeless but they really dont
Very friendly, and helpful people.
They helped me with getting my birth certificate. I worked for them for four hours to pay for the cost to get my birth certificate and they verified who I am for the state of Pennsylvania
Good people who care
Theyre not as helpful as they used to be
Okay. Slow at getting housing.
More info on the day center like how to reach.
Alot of homeless come here
Beautiful organization
Too many homeless causing problems
Very nice people!!!!