Mr. Altig sold me mostly on building a working business relationship with my daughters mother, in order to also help reunite my daughter and I. As her mother used false allegations of abuse to alienate me and also get the upper hand in custody and child support. My ex cant distinguish facts from fiction, which Mr. Altig told me verbatim, but never addressed with her at all. Every week he would not follow up with what he told me we were supposed to be working on, held my daughters mother to 0 accountability and ultimate billed me nearly 5x what was originally quoted to do nothing but move my daughter and I to the next step of supervised visits. Fixing nothing that he claimed he would. Twice my kid showed up with over 3 yo shoes that did not fit her at all, appalling, as kids need proper shoes so their feet grow and I pay 700/mo in support and daycare, which was excused away by both him and the mother. Stating that it will work itself out, and she likes those shoes, well no kidding she likes those, I, her dad bought those for her over 3 yrs ago, she misses me and her mother doesnt know how to raise a kid or treat people with any respect. If you are a father who has been illegally denied access to your child, and you are forced to go to counseling to even see your child again, dont go here. As you will waste your money, time and youll leave with things in an even worse condition. Find someone who is honest, who understands what the real issues are, is qualified, and has the ability/backbone to make changes, because yours and your families future is at stake. Id give 0 stars if I could. This type of work is not foreign to me at all, as I have a bachelors in Psychology w/ a minor in human development from WSU. And now, in order to move things forward I will have to pay another counselor another 2-3k dollars to basically start all over, Mr. Altig refunded none of my money. JUST AWFUL, RUN AWAY!!