BE CAREFUL!!!! THEY WILL STEAL YOUR BELONGINGS OUT OF YOUR CAR, JUST LIKE THEY DID TO ME!!!!They are a bunch of thieves, and they have the audacity to say that they respect your property within your vehicle, yet they stole some of MY valuables out of MY car when they towed it off the highway just a few weeks ago.They towed my car on a Sunday JUST 2-3 weeks ago, and I wasn’t able to get it back until the next day since they’re closed on Sundays. When retrieving my car, I noticed that all of the items in my glove compartment were on the ground, and I also noticed that some of my chargers were missing. I went and asked the man who towed my car, his name being Roger, if he has seen them, and he claimed that the people who drove my car, which were my two sisters, got some belongings out of my car before it was towed.I was in a hurry to leave since I had work in San Francisco, and I was all the way in Vallejo so I did not pay that much attention to anything else that I saw missing, and I stupidly trusted his words.Right when I got to work, I popped my trunk open to get a work shirt before starting my shift and I saw that MY BIG TUB OF UNIFORMS WERE GONE!!! Not only that, MY TRUNK WAS DISORGANIZED AND LOOKED LIKE IT WAS SEARCHED!!I looked in my car even more, and I saw that my:-Apple Air pods-Chargers/Aud chords-basketball shoes-MY KATE SPADE WALLET of quarters for parking meters-TUB OF UNIFORMSWERE MISSING!!!!I called them back after work and the same man who talked to me kept saying that he did not take anything, BUT HOW CAN A TUB OF UNIFORMS GO MISSING, and WHY WOULD MY SISTERS TAKE ANYTHING AND LIE ABOUT HAVING IT???? HOW ARE THEY ABLE TO TAKE A TUB OF UNIFORMS when they had to carry their own items???I explained that to him, and he started speaking rude to me over the phone saying “why are you so concerned about this now, why does it matter all of a sudden that your stuff went missing, and why didn’t you even bother talking about it”UH YES I DID ASK YOU ABOUT SOME MISSING ITEMS, BUT YOU LIED!!I know this review is a little late due to me working part time while attending a CSU full time, but I finally got the time to write this, and I want everyone to know that THESE PEOPLE ARE DISHONEST, RUDE, AND CROOKED!!!!They don’t deserve any stars at all!!!Also, I know I’m never going to get the straight truth, and I know I will never get my stuff back, but I hope everyone knows that they are known for stealing, and I hope this never happens to anyone else.
Overall A+ except this one driver who is always an entitled douchebag. Ive dealt with this company for about 3 years and everyone else is very cordial, casual, and candid while this dude is just cold store brand hot dogs eaten straight from the bag with the fridge door open because he needs to ice his Madden 2014 on PS2 injury. So averaged out its a D. Guy with the wizard beard was the highlight and I regret not slipstreaming the hot Panda Express fart I had on deck because of the sweet lady properly boasting on about her grandkids. You suck bro, go eat a bag of hot pennies
Broke down on 37. Needed to get a tow to Vallejo. Dont live in the area but need to get the car to repair shop. The driver was very helpful and informed me the dealer shop was closed and he could not drop the vehicle that late. The driver understood where I lived and offered to take the car to my shop for what others were going to charge just to Vallejo. Others were quoting $10+ per mile plus hook fee... Arrow saved the day and did not overcharge (when most would have seen this as an opportunity to stick it to the customer). I recommend Arrow to anyone needing assistance in the area.
Excellent service!!! I accidentally locked myself out in my thoughtless rush. Within 15 mins of calling Arrow, I was back on the road. Grateful!!!
Took my daughter there, dont know much about the place
Very professional, courteous and they made a bad situation into positive experience
Gotta love em! Thank u Arrow!
Not real friendly little high .
Fast, friendly, and affordable!
All your towing needs