Sack Properties is the corporate embodiment of everything wrong with our society, and puts all the institutions, universities, and people who have backed them and their greed-addled, conscienceless senior management to shame. Their properties might LOOK nice, but please dont let yourself be tempted. Once you live here, be prepared to deal with property managers who must truly either be incompetent or purposely evil, aided by a terrible tenant interface that makes paying the accurate amount of rent on time impossible to do. (And of course, you get saddled with the late rent fee anyway, despite alerting them to this fact starting the first day rent is due.) Prepare yourself for them to acknowledge that your rent is above market rate and then ask you to pay that AND more anyway. Prepare for unending construction that removes access to critical parts of your apartment like, oh, say, the staircase and entryway to your apartment for 8+ hours a day. And your laundry unit for over a month. Also prepare for random handymen to enter your apartment without notice first thing in the morning--always an especially fun experience as a woman. Prepare for days-long wait times in the middle of lease renewal conversations. Mostly, prepare yourself to watch your back in every dealing you have with management because again, they are greedy, corrupt, and conscienceless. Bottom line: SAVE YOURSELF HEARTACHE AND DO NOT LIVE IN A SACK PROPERTIES-OWNED APARTMENT.
Shameful business that is out for investor value only and takes advantage of residents. Avoid at all costs. In one of their properties, in the name of residential beautification they are doing 5-year construction project thats excruciating for residents and walks the line closely between legal and illegal. Do not live in their properties.
This company is currently pushing payment plans on renters whom have been displaced by covid-19. Beyond shameful to harass tenants for money during a national emergency and lockdown; with millions out of work, state governments are struggling to get benefits out and weve no idea what our future holds with this dangerous virus. Shame on SACK, and your inhumane approach to your tenants in the middle of a global pandemic. Well be taking our complaints to the Governor directly and encourage others to do the same.
Uncaring and unprofessional company. Buys rental properties to sell at profit. Hires cheap labor/companies to make place appear well to buyers yet not interested in tenant concerns. Glad they are gone!