Hi I encountered a problem with the app premise A complaint has been sent to the apps email address. A person named Daniel answered me, after waiting three days, to respond to my request with all arrogance and provocation. Why are our problems not answered and the necessary solutions found? And why not put the right person in the right place to respond with respect thank you
Hi,I am from LIBERIA and I have been working with premise for the past few months. Hope to advance the app in my region.
Been working with them for a while now. The offices are quite nice. Not that far from the rest of the city.
Hi, Am from India. I worked with Premise for the last 8 months. Excellent service and got the payment online without problem except few months. Now the Unocoin payment system is excellent and good service.But unfortunately the food product research stopped in India. Nobody can expect this news and totally disappointed. Hope the research come again soon. But dont know the time lines. That is the main question. If we provide how long to take come again here we can wait. Please help me.ThanksUdhayakumarIndia(Chennai)
Hardest to reach places, toughest but best coffee machine ever, and fun people all round. Goats.
Amazing culture start up and great mission.
The food was decent but the corruption was terrible.
Im happy to work with it....
Great mission and challenging startup
I want to be part of the team
10/10 would conspire with the clintons again
Nice workplace
Innovative and exciting