This place does not have a set schedule I had trouble 3 days because there hours of service is wrong on the website,they close early if they choose to very stressful when you need to dispose of trash.
Very happy with waste management! I did not know I could drop off my leaves there before pick up day!
Im new here from FL the woman in the scale house was so rude she asked me if im from Rochester I assumed it was the county like in FL WM is a county dump i told her i live in Somersworth but i think this is my county dump cause it was the closest she called me a liar charged me 180 for a pickup truck load of flooring lmao get some customer service and buy this woman some dental her teeth had teeth....
Closed for holiday
Easy and free. What more could you ask for? Some people want the moon..
What kind of dump closes at 10am when people got Saturdays off the dump should stay oupean till itlease2pm on Saturdays
Easy and friendly