Proud to be the first to Google review this place. Pulling up there was a fist fight between a man and woman right by the door. Now to remind you this is no fancy place to get a $25 haircut .we thats how much he charged me. $25 for a haircut.He charged me more than his normal clients because I was white, some random dude to just walk in and didnt know his place . So I knew Lomax before he passed. The new owner didnt know this. I hope Lomax slapped him in his sleep for disrespecting me.This is a $12 haircut kind of place but there are no prices posted. I just assumed by the look 9f it I wouldnt be shelling out that much. I go to a place that cuts my hair, straight razors my neck, hot towels my face, and trims my beard for that plus tip. I dont have to try to find a spot to park .I dont have to watch preliminary UFC domestic violence in the streets. Stay away .
Great barbers and children friendly environment.
Great cutz