As a rural dentist, going on vacations has its pluses and minuses.There is definitely a need to periodically get away and rejuvenate.However, there are always surprises upon my return to the office.Patients are mad that I wasnt on hand to meet their needs...staff aredisgruntled for being forced to take time off...the list goes on.It was a true blessing when I discovered I have usedtheir substitutes for many years. The patients are grateful when theycan receive emergency dental work in our office setting. The hygienedepartment runs full-steam in my absence. Its a win-win. My initialhope was that during my time away, the office would break evenfinancially. However, every time I had a dentist, Iactually made a little money--much more than I would have if the officewas closed--all while soaking up the sun on one of my favorite beachesdown on the Gulf of Mexico. Thank you for providing such a greatservice to weary old dentists!Dale Chomas, DMD, Watsontown, PAMessage 1 of 4256