Very special place to me. They do wonderful work by delivering food for a week to homebound people by volunteers. Schools, etc make food, Caring for Friends store them & people for homebounds (caregivers) who are approved by this organization pick up a weeks worth of free food for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks.EXCELLENT place to really support Caregivers. NOT just food....
They are very organized. If you have time they are looking for volunteers.I was picking up food for a church, that gives food to needy familys. Hey! we all need help sometime.
Absolutely fantastic organization, if you want to do team-building grab a group of people and volunteer here. The feed-in sometimes how close people in need. Its awesome we actually get to cook the food, we bake cookies you make meals and etc. GREAT CAUSE AMAZING PEOPLE
They do great volunteer work for the community. I have been with Aid for friends since 1976 as a visitor, cook and donator. They prepare, deliver free foods and visit shut ins. Can always use more volunteers.
They do amazing work!
Great help and people. Love my guy that delivers my meals. He even plays with my pets.
I use to work there its a wonderful place the organization I work for they both partner up great cause they want to stop hunger as well as the organization I work for
Now named Caring for Friends, primarily they deliver frozen meals to homebound persons
I deliver to a client for a f f, cooking is done on premises. It also is very clean.. the people there are very friendly and considerate. They take pride in helping the elderly. They remember their b-day & x-mass.
This organization is wonderful. The work they are doing, delivering food to homebound people, is amazing. They go above and beyond for their clients and the people who work and volunteer there have a passion for the work.
Great people doing amazing work for elderly shut-ins. Volunteers always needed, great for service hours and religious community projects.
Nice clean facility, doing great work in the community.
Great service by volunteers of serving meals to house-bound citizens
Great for volunteer events for all ages.
5 star rating
Great people help many people
Great people, great cause
Great organization
Donated soup!!!
Human services
I love this place because they help those most in need thank you. Thanks