Stay away from these people they are nothing but trouble
Provided absolutely no assistance whatsoever. Dont waste your time they are just one of the many companies profiting off of others charity, but dont actually care about the people that the mission refers to. Disgraceful.
My name is david milbourne and Arthur wyche is my payee and iam proud of him for doing a great job with dealing with social security
If you dont want help from them they threating violence towards you. That was my experience when I was staying at the airport. Intimidation and threats if they dont get there way.
My so call friend havent got any better he still is controlling he still drinking he still have anger problems he havent been to group or anything else he dont take his medicine he need to be there 5 days week he need to be made to go to AA meetings. Mr.selby need help and i cant no longer help him and he need to find him a new place to live cause i cant do it. The 1st of the month come and he spending $350 on drinking.
Very helpful
Excellence agency