These mother flowers charge interest and on top of the interest they charge a 1.9% payment fee. They might as well be charging you to breathe. And then you wonder why theres so much violence. Im trying to get ahead but they keep pushing me back.
The people who answer the phone in the marine county office can be very mean. It is very hard to get through on the phone so it is very sad that when you finally get through they are not polite or helpful and have an attitude. If the noncustodial parent lives out of California you can pretty much forget about Collecting any support. Also the workers never call back within the 72 hours they are allotted.Almost totally useless.
Love for community and the ability to partner with local festivals makes them so much fun to work with.
Alert! I recently discover that this office collects way more then they report to individuals, and some time they keep all off the money they collect for a long period of time and report to the custodial parent that the other parent is not paying any money. On other instances this office only do easy cases, where they don’t have to do much to gain the money. The staff only wants to handle what they want comes to their hands and they leave other cases be abandone for years.
They dont the best job they can, but if you are owed support and cant affort a Marin county atterney who will probably take everything your owed and then some? They will go to bat for you till every penny your owed is paid plus interest.
These corrupt people who work here are the Worst of the WorstThey destroy mens lives by design, they make life and survival close to impossible .. the system is designed to make men fail
A tour of hair balls.