I was excited to take part in this course. And Ive tried to reach out several times and the one time she returned my message she mentioned it may be either online or in person. Understandable, since we are in the middle of a pandemic. However, I paid for a discount voucher through Groupon which led me to this business. Website is very simple and basic and not updated. Class was to take place today I went all the way to the class today just to be sure and then also called her cell listed on her website. I left a message as it went right to voicemail still inquiring if its online or not online and if its online I need the link. I purchased the coupon months in advance. I found it unprofessional that I left kind and explanatory messages a few times just trying to get an answer. With only one email reply that was kind, but it did not answer my question. So I went back on Groupon and I easily exchanged it for another real estate course. And this one laid out all the details right in front of me before I even purchased. Then when I clicked on the other companys website it was even more explanatory and all the course descriptions and prices were all laid out. So Im looking forward to using the other company! Its sad, I would have you really like to take Trishas course but the lack of response diminished my enthusiasm towards taking her course & lead me to leave this review.