If you need a place to stay these people are nice and clean but you got to be gone by like 7:00 in the morning even if you have a day off which messes you up so youre out walking around or driving around and not doing much of anything. Donations cash donations these people need clothes anything you want to donate they give you a write off I stayed there a few years ago for a couple nights it was okay. Safe very safe
They are shut down it looks like due to coronavirus but when they were running they were a great helping hand for the community.
Yes I called to set up a pickup of alot of mens clothes and shoes for the men that are homeless..went very well.....I believe the clothes were distributed at the mission in Boise...
This is a wonderful place!! The staff here are truly Gods people and are doing his work!
Great people doing wonderful things for humanity.
I love to donate here. Its all used for the Boise Mission projects throughout the Treasure Valley.
The lighthouse opens its doors and offers a man a bunk bed, shower, three meals a day, and offers to pray for him if he wants every day. No guest is entitled to anything. One must present himself before check-in time, come inside and not break the rules, with the choice to take a shower or lay in a bed or attend a chapel where you are offered to be prayed for, then offered free clothes and a homestyle dinner, cigarette break and lights out at 9 pm. If you cant appreciate these things you shall be kicked out because you will break a rule that you could have honoured instead. If you cant appreciate all these things provided to you for free while you are destitute and penniless, then not even God can help you!
A good place to get resources and too get on your feet if experiencing some life difficulties. Great staff and seems to be well taken care of from what I have seen. If you do go too this place please treat it with respect.
Their message is clear as day and a beautiful one at that. Although I felt at times there was little patience to understand me while I was there for the several hours I was there. Great delicious food from people with big hearts and kind souls. I was a counselor before though so I used my interpersonal skills to communicate my competence though I can see if I hadnt I would have just been another one in a bunk to them.The chapel was nice but I dont need to be edified. All I need to know is that God is with me and to be SHOWN God is there through works for God is faith and man is labor. Not lectured. The citizens were kind and courteous of each other and very respectful.The process was quick and efficient.I didnt enjoy the rule about hats tbh its my biggest pet peeve. I was sihk in my past when I was here in Idaho years ago and having to fight for the right to wear my head wrap was annoying to say the very least. To come into a place of worship and aid and be told to take it off was obnoxious but I understood it and the reason behind it, security.I left at 9:30pm around 10:15 security came by and asked me why I was in the parking lot. I explained the situation and he told me he didnt care in a up most rude tone. I told him fine and to get away from my car so I could leave and he told me he wouldnt move till I was gone. Thats no way to act around someone who was literally just inside the building signed up and all. I found it crass, disrespectful, and completely unnecessary. Im my upset state knowing I had no where to go I shouted back and for that I apologise. He deserves the truth though. You should screen your security better and ensure that they are respectful and kind and capable of handling themselves professionally. Everyone else was kind.
I have never been to a worse shelter in my life!!!! If you are broken down and hurting these people will make it much much worse!!!Most of the people (including staff) here are ex-cons or current criminals, just released from prison, jail, or are on parole, probation, and have nowhere to serve their drug court community service.The staff are extremely arrogant, up-tight, and rude. The staff get to eat first, right in front of all of the guests that just come in after being outside all day in the cold!Probably hungry, and starving, the guests have to sit and watch them eat, while waiting for a forced chapel service. After this forced chapel service, then the guests line up and get served the staffs left-overs.Horrible people, I have never heard of such roofless, evil, narcissistic, greedy, self absorbed people in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I guess that is what you get when you ask for help from a shelter that hires nothing but felons, well i guess they gotta work somewhere)All of the Staff get first dibs on all of the donated clothes, what is left is the dirty rejected clothes that have stains, and poop stained underwear donated by careless people. (Yes! There was a pair of poop stained underwear in the clothing closet, when i said something about it they said hey its better than nothing.)DO NOT DONATE TO THIS SHELTER, DO NOT GO TO THIS SHELTER FOR HELP, PLEASE SOMEONE CUT THERE FUNDING!! CLOSE THEM DOWN!!!!!!
Plentiful supply of drugs unfortunately Im not into that. Place to stay but no help for employment or housing. The place keeps you down. It would be a great place if they would help the guest out a little more and keep the drugs away. You have to join the program to receive any help and they are put above all others
They really care they say they serve great food they have women and children that can come in and eat as well in the mens shelter very pleasant atmosphere
Glad that they have the house.. good food all around good people .
Lighthouse: It is a tower with a bright light at the top, located at an important or dangerous place regarding navigation. The two main purposes of a lighthouse are to serve as a navigational aid and to warn boats of dangerous areas........thats the actual use.but like all things theres always more than meets the eyeand sure there is a beach, how else would many relate to footprints in the sand a very misleading outlook. bring to the light that which is in the darkness so that the blind to his love can see and the deaf to his word hear, for through Jesus Christ all things are made new.
Outstanding place! Anyone can come and be fed, breakfast, lunch or dinner. You dont have to live here. There is also a clothing room in the evening. Its a wonderful place to find the help you need from people who actually care for you.
Great place for support meals and anything else you might need great information resources
Amazing what these people are doing for our community. As long as you follow their rules they will help you get back on your feet. Some days they are full, but normally you can get in if you show up. If not today then try again tomorrow. There is a high turnover.
Does good work for men needing help with work and place to live. Donated clothing.
Dropped off in need items everyone is very helpful
Dont be homeless and decide to leave there because of an influenza outbreak in the shelter. If you do, when you leave for work in the morning and dont return theyll gather your things and go through them, and next thing you know a bunch of homeless losers will be stomping around town begging for money in the last of your nice clothes and shoes and youll be without socks, underwear, and clean shirts! So glad all of those homeless people got my things, and Im so very glad that when I called the place for my stuff they just shrugged and said idk.
The staff couldnt care less if ur sleeping in the snow...even if ur warrent free
This place is a lot like JAIL, rude people are always running the place, If you are old and sick you have to sleep on the floor on a 3 mattress and get up at 6:00am and out of the door and be back by 8:00pm or be locked out !! IF you have medications you can not stay here. IF you have anything of value best not let people see what you have or its going to be gone very fast...
This place can compare to a Department of Corrections work release center. For a Christian based place you are granted very little freedom. You cant be on your phones after lights out and you have to check in your laptop to staff. Plus they only call you by your last name and if youre going to be late you have to fill out a late list and have the person fill out a late slip. Does that sound appealing to you?
They serve food though sometimes under cooked. Warm showers. Terrible staff. Only good if your on probation or a Veteran.
Good people
I had no money to print bus tickets as the station did not provide the option which was a gas station. Lighthouse printed them for me. Even the local library refused and it was winter. Thank you again.
They have been nothing less than God sent for me!!! Thank you Lighthouse 😇😇😇
Helping others 😉😉 we need more help for women.
I have ate here a lot you get free breakfast,lunch and dinner here very nice people
Clean sounds like the trains are rolling threw in the middle of the night but I sleep like a rock so they are awesome and great food and clean showers and sinks and mirrors😎
Hired help from here, was impressed with the gentlemen both times!!
They dont have enough beds to put people that are homeless and they put mats down on the floor and you have to sleep on the floor
Very friendly people abd they genuinely cate and want to help
All case workers are predators. Evil people who fleece their community to support their own habits and vices.
It have bed bugs and the safe is no good with people that come s in there
My friend doing ok there
Good is good place is clean
It ok
Anyone who praises this place is blind. They are power hungry and hypocritical liars who I have seen take food home for themselves
A great staff and inhouse residence with the respectable mission to help and serve their community.
That staff at the intake are extremely rude and judgemental
The really do a great job at helping people
The manger was really rude to me in my time of needs for something in need at the time it caused me not to want to go back to that location in Nampa, idaho
Need to save up money to get a place of my own
The lighthouse rescue mission is a great place for anyone who wants to get some free work (be there at about 11am) or for those of us who cant afford to pay for our own food (you can get a food box from them).
Praise God we live in such a generous community
Well the food aint so bad but there is some rude people who work there.
Clearly full but helpful staff
Good resource for the community
Doing a great service for those in need!
Thank the good Lord theres places that help the needy
God blessz them for the things they do....
Awesome place for lives to be transformed!
Helps the needy with food amd programs for men
Very friendly ladies work here
They really want to help you if you are down on your luck
My son had the need to stay here on a few occasions, i walked in with him to check in once. The staff was helpful, although the building had a musty smell.
Nice place to shop
When youre down and out and your a man theyll help out
O donated clothes and books to the men here, trying to keep it local.
Good shelter
I will just drop the mic right here
Staff let your stuff get stolen
Very helpful
Great place
No comment.
Like being in JAIL
Try to find someone