I went to Alcott for about seven years. Everybodys flawed; my therapists couldnt always help with what I was going through. They always tried their hearts-out, though. I could almost-always see that the person I was talking to really cared for me, and when I didnt feel that, they allowed me to change therapists.Being a part of a place wherein people cared and wanted better for me changed my perspective about people as a whole.Thanks, Alcott.
Quick intake and setup with a psychiatrist. Considering the variety of clients and socio-economic demographics they service, they do a good job of communicating and expediting service.
Struggling with depression I called the crisis hotline for over an hour to no avail .The person in charge of the suicide hotline forgot to turn the phone on, She’s also the person in charge of services resulting in her using her position to bully me / deny me services .I could write a novel on the inappropriateness of how Alcott is run .I tried for two years to get an appointment with the director over such issues, access to the President would be easierI finally gave up .
I didn’t even get to the point of making an appointment. The lady on the phone was so rude!
Very poor service for someone thats in need of therapy right away. You have to wait a month to be seen. Or you can come on Mondays as a walkin patient. But they only allow only 2 walkin patients to be seen. The front receptionist is not the right fit for a place like that. She does not have a friendly attitude and comes off a bit rude. And the intake coordinator does not respond back to emails if you have an immediate problem that needs addressing. This is a federally funded place thats taking advantage of the government. And not doing what it suppose to do is help those that are having mental health issues.
If youre looking for a way through the tough stuff, which takes time, the staff and medical support are extremely compassionate and helpful guides! Thank you.