When I met Saul, I could not imagine speaking a sentence — let alone having a conversation... let alone performing a concert (!) — without my primary experience being discomfort. I desperately wanted to enjoy my concerts, but could only dread them as they approached, and remember them as a blur after they were finished.During the past year, with Sauls guidance, I have not only experienced communicating without pain, but I have experienced points during communication and performance which have felt *good* and *nutritive* to *me*. The possibility of speaking and singing being a thing which *gives me* life and healing is beyond words for me, and at the same time it is becoming a real possibility, thanks to my work with Saul.
I recently attended one of Sauls workshops for performers and was amazed by the experience. The workshop was filled with a variety of performers, each expressing different desires for outcomes, and Saul gave each individual the attention needed to accomplish this. Saul had a very personal touch in addressing performers concerns/habits/obstacles and did so with a humble and approachable nature. The workshop combined voice, body and energy in such a way that everyone had a full and rich experience in their work. I was specifically inspired/moved by the work Saul did with being present. It is something I sometimes think is so simple and can easily dismiss but Sauls approach to presence opened my eyes to what being present is and has inspired me to continue this exploration past the workshop. An excellent experience, and I came away with a lot of valuable tools - I will certainly go back and recommend this work to any performer who is invested in their voice, body, presence and craft.
Saul is a great teacher with a deep soul and a tremendous amount of compassion. After a lifetime of regularly losing my voice to laryngitis, I havent lost it once since we began working!Another thing our work together has given me is this: I sometimes experience a sense of chaos (nerves, self consciousness, etc) when I speak with others, and Ive learned to be more present and speak effectively, even if I experience that chaos. I can stay present, breathe, and be heard now. What a life-changer.Saul and Beth (a teacher trained by Saul who teaches as well) have encouraged me to keep going when my confidence wavered while giving me the freedom not to pretend to always have my act together. I highly recommend working with them -- they have helped bring the Human out of me and helped me shine.
I have studied voice for a long time, and it is through Fitzmaurice work (the technique Saul teaches) that I have had the most significant breakthroughs. Fitzmaurice work will bring you face to face with many of the fears that come with public speaking and performance, especially the fears of looking silly in front of others or being judged. Saul creates a truly safe, non-judgmental space that allows you to explore your voice freely. He is an incredibly kind, patient teacher. His work has allowed me to tap into my real strength and power and to find the freedom to express that inner strength physically and vocally. Because of working with Saul, I speak with greater self understanding and confidence.
I had an amazing learning experience participating in the 3-day Voice Workshop led by Saul. Hes an unpretentious, generous, & experienced teacher who will give you the individualized attention you need to work through and discover the many complexities of finding your true voice.