When I was a child; I had gone through some pretty significant trauma. I went from counselor to counselor for years, trying to find the right fit. Trying to help me get through the trauma and nothing worked. Eventually I worked it out on my own. I basically just ignored it all and called it good. Until my current marriage, when my husband told me he wanted to find someone else because I need to take care of those demons from my past. Thats when I realized, that 15 years of suppressing the past and thinking I was behind it was not true. I found Karson because he was the only person in my area that took my insurance and he accepted me; even though he was full.Karson, I cannot thank you enough. Honestly, the time I spent with you was truly hell, but it was a good hell. You made me reopen all those wounds, I felt like a child again and was so overcome with emotion every time I was out of your office. Yet, you lifted that fog of mine that I didnt know what there. Im free, and I had no idea I was trapped. You freed me. You made me look those demons in the face and just smile. Show me that they have no hold on me. I never knew how bad it affected me until I found you and you got rid of them so easily.I dont know what that other negative review is about, but this guy is amazing. He even helped my mother, in ONE visit with me (when I was going through other stages of my own healing process). She was so impressed, that she is now his patient as well.I cannot recommend Karson enough, and I tell everyone who sees a difference in me, that it was all thanks to Karson.Thank you, Karson!
Karson Kinikini is one of the best therapists I ever had. I saw him back in 2011 so my review isnt exactly up to date but he was the right therapist for me. He was easy going and easy to talk to while still being professional. I never felt like he didnt care. He really worked with me to get to the root of my problems. I was referred to him by LDS family services. Sadly my insurance didnt take him or I wouldve kept seeing him. He is legitimately a good listener. He really does care (especially if you really do care! And want to improve your life). I can still remember a lot of the things he taught me. I was much younger when I saw him and I did not always take our sessions as serious as I should have, or come back the following week with my goals met. But now that Im older I feel like he gave me a lot of the tools I would end up using later in life. One of these has helped me to deal with my panic attacks without medication. I feel that seeing Karson helped me (among other things) live a sober life. Ive had many setbacks but Im still trying. We also worked on my depression and poor self esteem. Or rather he helped me to help myself with those things. I asked him to incorporate my spiritual beliefs into my therapy and he was willing to doing this. I am grateful to Karson even though he may not feel he did much to help me at the time. But he did. And he worked with me financially when my bishop stopped paying for therapy. I have no complaints. Except for the location. Its off of a busy road right across from a high school and it can be a little intense pulling in and out of there lol. But the therapists are great. There was little or no waiting before sessions. I loved that! Its been several years since Ive seen him so I cannot speak to his services in 2018, but I feel you should know my experience. I strongly recommend Karson Kinikini. Hope this helped!
This review is hard to write. After considerable reflection about our time with Karson, I am forced to conclude that out time spent with Karson was not only a waste of time, but he did more damage than good. Some of his advise was well received, but most of it was downright hurtful and presumptuous. We went to be helped not damaged, and Karsons approach and his assumptions only made a difficult situation worse. After seeking help elsewhere, I have relized that our time spent with Karson was a waste during a critical junction. I believe counselors should help and build not help tare down. I would not recommend Karson as a therapist.